Just Right

Just Right is a weekly shortwave radio show. Hosts, Bob Metz and Robert Vaughan analyze issues from a viewpoint of individual rights, freedom, and capitalism.

A serious conversation—Tucker Carlson’s Vladimir Putin interview

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Feb 132024

Tucker Carlson’s interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin did not reveal groundbreaking insights into the leader or his policies to those of us who have been closely monitoring events in that region. However, it did bring to light previously overlooked facts to hundreds of millions, courtesy of a journalist committed to honesty, in stark contrast to the West’s dismissive yellow press.

In this insightful discussion, Professor Emeritus, Salim Mansur and Robert Vaughan delve into the interview’s implications, exploring its impact on a global audience that is typically shielded from the truth but now finds itself unexpectedly confronted with reality, thanks to a journalist who values integrity.

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Feb 112024

When the International Court of Justice (ICJ) announced that it found it “plausible” that Israel is violating the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, many immediately drew parallels to the Holocaust, suggesting that Israel’s actions were akin to the treatment of Jews under Nazi Germany.

However, this interpretation is not accurate. The common understanding of “genocide” as the “systematic extermination” of a group of people does not align with the definition in the UN’s Convention, nor is it the definition under scrutiny by the ICJ.

In UN law, “genocide” encompasses a broad range of actions, including killing any number of people in a defined group, even a single person, or causing serious mental harm to a member of the group. This expansive definition implies that nations involved in any conflict, anywhere, at any time could potentially face allegations of “genocide.”

Professor Salim Mansur from Western University joins us to explore the implications of the ICJ’s provisional decision and its potential impact on the very existence of the state of Israel.

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Rogue State–From Republic to Empire | Salim Mansur

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Jan 192024

Upon leaving the Constitutional Convention of 1787 Benjamin Franklin was asked about the kind of government created by him and the other delegates. His response was, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

If Franklin were alive today he would say that the American People had failed. What initially started out as a bold experiment in liberty has transformed into an empire engaged in a “Forever War,” led by the very type of elites the War of Independence was waged to overthrow.

Our guest, Professor Salim Mansur, has described the United States of 2024 as a “rogue state” and the most dangerous enemy of freedom based on individual rights.

Salim puts the start of the Republic’s fall in 1912 with the election of Democrat Woodrow Wilson. It was under Wilson that the 17th Amendment to the Constitution had US Senators elected by the People rather than by the legislatures of the states they were supposed to represent, altering a key aspect of the Republican nature of the country. This change made the Senators no different than the elected members of the House of Representatives.

Adding to Wilson’s ignominious administrative term was the signing of the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th Amendment, which allowed for a federal income tax. No longer did the federal government require the financial backing and consent of the States to wage war. Upon his reelection in 1916 and with these new tools at his disposal, Wilson quickly entered into the Great War already waging in Europe.

If one were to bracket the fall of the Republic at one end with Wilson’s Administration, on this end of history the other bracket would be the installation of the Usurper Joe Biden, installed into the position of President during a ceremony attended not by the American People, but by a select group of elites in a Capital surrounded by razor wire and 25,000 armed guardsmen.

There could be no greater nor obvious symbolism than that spectacle to demonstrate that Franklin’s Republic has fallen and that a New World Order headed by an American Empire has begun.

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Robert’s Substack

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Anti-Semitism—The origins of an ancient hatred | Irving Weisdorf

 Audio, Culture, Latest, Military, Politics, Religion, Society, Terrorism  Comments Off on Anti-Semitism—The origins of an ancient hatred | Irving Weisdorf
Dec 282023

The Oct 7th, 2023 atrocities committed on Israeli civilians by Gaza’s Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) prompted widespread expression of sympathy towards the people of Israel. However, as Israel responded to this act of terrorism to bring Hamas and its supporters to justice, the narrative quickly shifted to a surge of anti-Semitism.

In a candid conversation, Jewish-Canadian businessman Irving Weisdorf and Robert Vaughan delve into the origins of anti-Semitism, the historical context leading to the establishment of the state of Israel, and the complex dynamics of the insatiable animosity held by many Arab Palestinians towards their Jewish neighbours.

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837 – Prelude to a massacre—The assassination of Yitzhak Rabin | Salim Mansur

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Nov 302023


L’chaim! A traditional Jewish toast celebrating life has taken a somber note in the Middle East, with recent events like the Hamas Massacre on October 7th and Israel’s retaliatory bombing of Gaza. The echoes of conflict reverberate through a history that traces back to the establishment of Israel by the United Nations in 1948, marking 75 years of persistent bloodshed in the region.

Despite the grim reality, a glimmer of optimism urges us to seek resolution in understanding the historical roots of this enduring rivalry. To unravel the complex narrative, Robert Vaughan engaged in a thought-provoking conversation with Professor Salim Mansur of Western University. Mansur’s recent Substack article, titled Rabin’s Murder is Prehistory of Gaza-Israel 10/7, delves into the profound changes Israel underwent from a secular state led by figures like Yitzhak Rabin to a religious state under leaders like Benjamin Netanyahu. Mansur suggests that this shift contributed to a trajectory of increased bloodshed and conflict, posing a challenge with no clear solution, possibly necessitating intervention by the United Nations.

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Nov 222023

Bin Laden

Following the Oct 7th Hamas Massacre in Israel, there has been an increase in awareness among many young people about Osama bin Laden’s “Letter to America,” a manifesto which was published 14 months after the 9/11 attacks on America.

Most of these young individuals were too young to recall the events of that day, which occurred 22 years ago. Indeed, many were not even born. In a sense, they might be forgiven for their ignorance of Bin Laden’s encyclical and the surrounding causes and effects of Al Qaeda’s actions. However, upon learning about why bin Laden killed almost 3,000 civilians, it should be clear to most with a conscience, that there is no justification for his heinous deeds.

In his lengthy missive, Bin Laden addresses two main questions: why he attacked and what he expects Americans to do in response. He claims that America attacked first, referring to the United States’ ongoing military engagements—the so-called Forever War. This constant interference in the affairs of other nations, unrelated to America’s existential concerns, serves primarily to sustain the Military Industrial Complex. For those shocked by the revelations on platforms like TikTok, this should serve as a wake-up call.

Bin Laden’s answer to the second question is straightforward: submit to Islam or face death. In this episode, we delve into the perplexing reactions of young Americans who are only now awakening to history and discovering the malevolence within the minds of Islamists willing to kill men, women, and children for their beliefs. As Bin Laden chillingly stated, “(We) desire death more than you desire life.

This chilling admission from a mass murderer in his Ex Post Facto Manifesto is no different from the manifestos left behind by others seeking redress for perceived wrongs through violence.

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835 – Evil is not a mental illness

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Nov 162023


Steven Crowder’s disclosure of the manifesto by Audrey Hale, the Covenant School shooter, has prompted some to label such heinous acts as the very definition of mental illness. However, categorizing evil solely as a mental disorder or abnormal dysfunction serves as an excuse rather than a proper understanding.

Evil deeds stem from a deliberate suspension of one’s consciousness and a rejection of critical thinking. Every individual has the potential for wrongdoing, influenced by their upbringing and the circumstances that shape their moral compass.

The Hamas Massacre on October 7 in Israel highlights that the conditions for evil exist in all people. It is only through a conscious decision to think and an act of will can we overcome the inclination to react violently to those we disagree with or those we’ve been conditioned to hate.

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