Nov 302022

Actions by Leftists over the years can only lead one to conclude that they are members of a death cult.

Attempts to describe the Left have generally been in economic terms: socialist, fascist, communist, Fabian, etc., but if we go back to 1969 we discover that one philosopher, Ayn Rand, described the Left in a way that stands to this day as accurate and even prophetic.

In her book The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution, which was re-released as Return of the Primitive we find an essay that compared the Left to the Greek god Dionysus—the god of insanity, frenzy, and drunkenness and the Right with the god Apollo the “averter of evil,” the god of light, truth, education, and reason.

Rand uses two events of that year, the launch of Apollo 11 and the music festival near Woodstock, to startlingly juxtapose those two elements in society which seem forever at odds with each other—man’s lofty rational nature and his baser bestial nature.

Salim Mansur joins Robert Vaughan to discuss Rand’s insight into the fundamental nature of man and, in particular, the insanity of the Left.

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The Freedom Convoy | Andrew Lawton

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Aug 032022

The Trucker’s Freedom Convoy was a pivotal moment in Canadian history and one which will be studied for many years to come.

Predictably, the dependent press (legacy media outlets in the direct pay of the Liberal government) were notorious for their mishandling of the event. Their feeble and often amateurish attacks meant to vilify the protesters by means of deception and outright falsehoods were thwarted by the coverage of the rally by honest journalists such as Andrew Lawton of True North.

In order to set the record straight for the sake of posterity, Andrew published The Freedom Convoy—The inside story of three weeks that shook the world (Sutherland House). The book quickly became a best seller. In it, Andrew details how the rally was nothing like that depicted by both the dependent press and the politicians in government.

Andrew also reveals the inner workings of the organization that started the Convoy although “organization” is a term used loosely as it soon became apparent that the rally was quickly evolving into a massive grassroots movement spanning the country and involving several thousands of protesters.

Fueled by disgust and even rage over the tyrannical measures the Trudeau/Singh government had inflicted on them during the preceding two years Canadians across the country supported the truckers in numbers never seen before in this country. The response was noticed all over the world with similar convoys starting up in Europe, Australia, and the United States.

Robert Vaughan sat down with Andrew to discuss his inside knowledge of the freedom convoy and the events of those three weeks that shook the world.

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There’s No Such Thing as a Palestinian | Paul Lambert & Salim Mansur

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Nov 132020

Amid the Arab/Israeli conflict lies the false narrative that those people living in the West Bank and Gaza are indigenous to that area and are under occupation by Israel. Our guest, Paul Lambert, AKA P.L. Edwardsson, takes issue with this perception in his book “There’s No Such Thing as a Palestinian.”

Joining Robert Vaughan to discuss Paul’s book is Salim Mansur, Professor Emeritus of Political Science at Western University.

Paul’s book is available at Amazon in both paperback and Kindle editions.

Inconveniently Screwed – The science debunking the politics of climate change

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Dec 072018

When Al Gore released his “An Inconvenient Truth” video the world was taken in by a science that neither they nor Gore truly understood.

With his book, “Inconveniently Screwed,” author Dave Plumb unravels the science behind climate change and in doing so debunks many of the myths and junk science promulgated by climate change alarmists, politicians, media, and yes, even some scientists.

This Just Right exclusive is a follow up to our interview with Dave Plumb on show #579 – The Frozen Debate on Climate Change which aired October 25, 2018.

Howard Rotberg – The Ideological Path to Submission

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Sep 242018

Howard Rotberg is a Canadian publisher (Mantua Books) and author of four books. Previously authoring The Second Catastrophe: A Novel about a Book and its Author, Exploring Vancouverism: The Political Culture of Canada’s Lotus Land, Tolerism: The Ideology Revealed (in its second (revised) edition), he now shares his solution to the ever-increasing woes begotten by the West’s ‘tolerism’ in his latest book, The Ideological Path to Submission: …and what we can do about it.

He has contributed over the years to many newspapers, magazines and websites, including VancouverSun, Pajamas Media, Frontpage Magazine, Freedom Press Canada Journal, and others.

If you enjoy this video please consider subscribing to Just Right Media’s Youtube channel and supporting us on Patreon.

Jan 182018

Saul Alinsky

As the author of 1971’s Rules For Radicals, were he alive today, Saul Alinsky would no doubt be pleased to see his own radical views and tactics resulting in progress for those on the Left – particularly his beloved Democratic Party.

Some of the Alinsky symptoms:

  • increased violence during political rallies
  • the growing intolerance of differing views on campuses
  • the polarization of political forces along lines of racism and the haves and have nots
  • the manufacture of fake news, and much more
  • All of these symptoms reflect the “rules” outlined in Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. Many attribute today’s decline in civilized political discourse directly to Saul Alinsky. His book has been often cited as a reason for the successes of Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

    As we share the opinions of Dinesh D’Souza, David Alinsky, and Ralph Benko as heard during a July 20/17 C-SPAN debate about Saul Alinsky’s radical rules, the controversy begins with the book’s opening epigram dedicated to the “first radical” – Lucifer. (After all, it is to Lucifer’s kingdom that the Leftward road of good intentions leads.) Continue reading »

    529 – Guest: Salim Mansur – Hugh Hefner and the Playboy legacy

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    Nov 022017

    Hugh Hefner

    With the passing of Playboy founder and icon Hugh Hefner on September 27 at age 91, subsequent discussions about his legacy and the influence that Playboy continues to have today have been disappointingly reduced to a feminist debate about whether Hefner was a “liberator” or an “oppressor”.

    In stark contrast to the myopic discussions of sex usually heard in such a restricted context, our in-studio guest Salim Mansur brings a breath of fresh air to yet another discussion considered politically incorrect: the celebration of sex between men and women.

    Says Salim:

    Just as Freud pointed out, ultimately everything boils down to sex. The whole of life throughout history is ultimately about the primordial basic relationship between a male and a female. Out of that relationship comes great art, great music, great painting – and out of it also comes the dirtiest violence, misogyny, abuse, excesses. That’s life.”

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