641 – Freedom Forward – Philosophy’s indispensable role in determining the Right Direction

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Feb 132020

There is a widespread belief – particularly among advocates of freedom and capitalism – that individual freedom and individual rights will spontaneously emerge if nations gradually adopt various forms of capitalism, freer markets, and/or more private economic initiatives. Yet, many socialist, fascist and communist jurisdictions have done exactly this, but nevertheless remained socialist, fascist or communist. While their economies may have become more ‘efficient,’ their people still do not enjoy individual rights, having ironically been turned into ‘slaves’ of a state-directed economic ‘efficiency.’

Additionally, there is a certain ‘literalism’ on the philosophic front, with many freedom advocates rejecting the best political alternative on the basis of some kind of philosophical impurity or inconsistency on the part of a given politician or party.

This is dangerous thinking, and can lead to unwarranted feelings of futility, frustration, and cynicism regarding political action in general. It is an affliction that most affects those on the Right, and is in part responsible for the continuing ascendancy of the Left and the erosion of our freedoms. Continue reading »

640 – Uncommon Laws – Britain exits the European Union

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Feb 062020

Take ten freedom-loving people, put them in a room in front of some microphones, and what do you get? Our first ever ‘Freedom Panel,’ sharing views on Brexit, climate change, and a mutual frustration with the lack of rational philosophies in politics.

At long last, Brexit has become a reality. But that development reflects a long-established British history and philosophy that has always been incompatible with that of the European nations. For that reason, many have regarded Brexit as inevitable. Founded on individualism rather than on the European collectivism that has brought the continent to disaster on repeated occasions, Britain can now once again forge its own political destiny, freed from the control of Brussels.

With the good news on the Brexit front, it’s too bad that politicians continue to ring the bells of climate alarmism, pretending to talk about the weather when what they’re trying to prevent changing is the climate of collectivism.

Ironically, it is the growing politics of populism that is beginning to demonstrate an effective defense against collectivism’s ills. Even so, many individualists and supporters of political freedom remain opposed to a populism that they see as being unprincipled. But is populism really an obstacle to freedom, or is it an opportunity for rational principles to once again become part of the political playing field?

Though our panelists have many differing perspectives on this question and other issues, one thing you can always count on is a discussion that will be Just Right.

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639 – Iran’s love affair with America — Behind the mask of an Islamist theocracy

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Jan 302020

Given the government of Iran’s repeated shouts of “Death to America,” you might be surprised to learn that the Iranian people themselves love Americans. How do we know this? Because when asked (and even often when not), they say so – openly, freely, and without reservation.

Since the killing of Iranian terrorist Qassem Soleimani, Iran’s ballistic missile response in Iraq, and its subsequent downing of Ukrainian Flight 752, the eyes of the world have been focused on Iran. And yet, despite all the attention, few can actually see what the people of Iran are really like.

The world outside Iran finally got a glimpse of how Iranians feel about their own government when thousands protested in the streets in response to the shooting down of Flight 752. This was a far cry from the previous public demonstration in Iran where the world saw thousands grieving the death of Soleimani.

It occurred that perhaps a similar contradiction masks the way Iranians actually feel about the West, and about America in particular. Sure enough, after sidestepping the politicians and speaking to ‘the people’ of Iran itself, that’s exactly what we discovered.

When it comes to understanding the heart of a nation, forget the politicians; listening to its people is the way to paint a picture that’s closer to being Just Right.

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Jan 162020

“I call it Climate Change BS and by BS – if I have to spell it out – I mean Bad Science!” concludes our guest Dave Plumb, whose book ‘Inconveniently Screwed’ describes and explains the ‘good’ science behind what we actually do know about climate change and its causes.

In the face of continuing outrageous claims about a pending ‘climate crisis,’ the real science of climate has been replaced by the fake ‘political science’ of Leftist politicians.

Since ‘facts don’t matter’ to those on the Left, the whole climate change debate can become quite frustrating for those who think that facts do matter. The relentless efforts of the Left to continue promoting their climate fiction can only be resisted and defeated by a similar relentless effort on the part of those who have the Right ideas about climate and climate change.

As always, the real climate the Left is talking about – and wants to change – is our political climate. The only consistency to be found in their arguments about climate change is a hatred of individual freedom, capitalism, and of humanity itself. Forced discussions about carbon dioxide and weather concerns are mere distractions from their evil intentions.

With one form of BS (Bad Science) being promoted via another form of BS (Bad Schools), facts are the last thing the Left wants to hear about.

Given the Bad Science being taught in Bad Schools, it would be Just Right to conclude that the politics being used to support and promote those two forms of BS is the BS of the traditional type.

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Dec 122019

It was an epistemological train wreck. To understand today’s appeal of socialism and why capitalism remains an “unknown ideal,” one need look no further than to the December 4 Munk Debate on capitalism held in Toronto. The motion: “The capitalist system is broken. It’s time to try something different.”

Speaking in favor of the motion were Yanis Varoufakis (economist, author, Greece’s former finance minister) and Katrina vanden Heuvel (editorial director and publisher of the Nation, Washington Post columnist). Speaking against the motion were Arthur Brooks(Harvard professor and author) and David Brooks (political commentator, New York Times columnist and author).

Despite their credentials, none offered even a subjective definition of capitalism, and despite being presented as debate opponents, all effectively spoke in favour of the motion. In fact, as noted in the National Post coverage of Dec 6, “Munk Debate opponents find common ground.”

That common ground was their mutual hatred of capitalism and what Ayn Rand described as “a hatred of the good for being the good.” All of the debaters praised capitalism’s role in lifting billions from poverty, yet all condemned capitalism with their next breath. Continue reading »

The fountainhead of our despair | The Danielle Metz Show 079

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Nov 132019

Audio as broadcast on WBCQ

Politics may be downstream from culture but culture gets its notions and ideas from academia. If this is so then we are headed for disaster both culturally and politically.

Join Danielle and Robert as they connect the dots from a raving university debating professor who wins his debates by shouting profanities at his opponents to the latest terrible incarnation of Star Trek to the gong show that is the Democratic presidential nomination debates.

While most political and cultural trend lines today are pointing down, to locate the source, the fountainhead, of this frightening trend, look up to the ivory towers… and despair.

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May 102019

Professor David Haskell has entered the Canadian federal election as the People’s Party of Canada candidate in the riding of Cambridge (Cambridge – North Dumfries).

Professor Haskell is an advocate for freedom of expression and academic free speech as was recently involved with the Lindsay Shepherd affair at Wilfrid Laurier University.

We interviewed him while attending the Society For Academic Freedom and Scholarship AGM at Western University on May 4, 2019.