Aug 252022

Apparently, the Left was never adequately immunized against Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), the political virus that infected Democrats, globalists, the deep state, and the fake news media the first time Trump rose to power. Now the latest variant has emerged, a clear sign that Trump must once again be on the rise.

For example, Carleton University professor and journalist Andrew Cohen in an August 19 editorial “Right follows script after Mar-a-Lago search” wrote “The right exploded. They screamed, they seethed, they snarled. The words were not just shrill, they were terrifying. At times, they encouraged violence. These are the new Republican rules of order in public debate. Rush to judgment. Ignore facts. Enter shooting. Empty your arsenal. Deny. Attack. Restraint is no virtue. Insanity is no vice.”

And then there was American philosopher, author, and podcast host Sam Harris, whose TDS infection has exposed a moral vacuum devoid of any principle or values whatever.

While openly citing evidence demonstrating Biden’s corruption (but offering none regarding Trump), Harris argued “Whatever the scope of Joe Biden’s corruption is… it is infinitesimal compared to the corruption we know Trump is involved in.” This, after proudly proclaiming that he “would not have cared” if Hunter Biden had “the corpses of children in his basement.” Continue reading »

771 – It’s biblical—God, politics, and morality

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Aug 112022

It has long been argued that totalitarian nations and tyrannies are a consequence of the “atheistic” philosophies under which they are ruled. However, this is a serious error. It is based on the mistaken view that “atheism” is some kind of philosophy or doctrine, as is the case with theism. But this is not so.

Consider that, unlike the word “theist” which in a proper context identifies what a person is, “atheist” is a negative concept that defines a person in terms of what he is not. In no way can it be reasonably justified on these grounds to conclude that atheists have some kind of “atheist belief system” or philosophy.

In fact, in philosophical and moral terms “atheism” isn’t even a thing. However, tyranny is. That tyrannies may be “atheistic” is mere association; it is not cause and effect. Totalitarian regimes and tyrannies are caused by collectivist ideologies invariably supported by Leftist theists and atheists alike. Similarly, theists and atheists on the Right support freedom and justice.

In the moral and political gulf between freedom and tyranny, the only polarity that matters is the one that contrasts the values of the Left (collectivism) with those of the Right (individualism).

Thus it is unfortunate that some on the “religious right” have been increasingly disparaging atheists, as if atheism is somehow a causal factor behind the current tyranny. In atheism, theists perceive an absence of morality rather than recognizing the presence of alternative moralities grounded on different principles.

On the one hand are those who cannot conceive of morality without faith in a God and afterlife, while on the other there are those who cannot conceive of morality based on anything but reason exercised within a finite limited lifetime.

Fortunately, experience has demonstrated that these metaphysically opposing views do not preclude a shared morality. Whether theist or atheist, what counts in politics is which side of political polarity holds power – Left or Right. Consequently, those on the side of freedom will of necessity eventually gravitate towards those moral alliances held together in an orbit circling the political polarity that is Just Right.

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754 – It’s party time for capitalism! | Mark Pellegrino

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Apr 142022

Co-founder of the American Capitalist Party, our guest Mark Pellegrino has set the terms from which to expand his April 7 discussion with Just Right co-host Robert Vaughan on video into today’s broadened discussion on the ideas and philosophy that drive many freedom and capitalism advocates: Objectivism.

Across various jurisdictions, the creation of political parties founded on freedom/capitalism suggests an awakening to the fundamentals underlying our political crisis. Most interestingly, many of these parties (including the American Capitalist Party) have cited the ‘Objectivist’ philosophy of Ayn Rand as a guiding light in the establishment of their own party policies.

However as one might expect, even among those inspired by Rand’s philosophy, disagreements and various interpretations of her ideas abound. Happily, these conflicting opinions actually provide a much-needed discussion of the principles and forces that drive our political zeitgeist.

In America as in Canada, there are a growing number of political parties seen to be on the ‘freedom’ side of the political polarity. Among them: various independent and libertarian parties in both countries, Ontario’s Freedom Party, Canada’s People’s Party, and of course, the American Capitalist Party.

“Libertarians reject an objective (universal) morality,” argues Mark, in citing how the American Capitalist Party differs from various libertarian parties.

In the end, which of these parties ever wins an election will depend less on their policies and platforms being Just Right, than on a majority of the voting public believing them to be right enough to support at the polls.

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Apr 072022

Mark Pellegrino is not only a successful actor (Supernatural, The Tomorrow People) he is also an Objectivist and co-founder of the American Capitalist Party.

In conversation with Robert Vaughan, he discusses how Ayn Rand’s philosophy for living has benefitted his life and career and formed the basis for the policies and platform of the American Capitalist Party.

This video is also available on Rumble here.

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737 – On the battlefields of contradiction in an epistemological war

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Dec 162021

“Epistemology is a science devoted to the discovery of the proper methods of acquiring and validating knowledge. The truth or falsehood of all of man’s conclusions, inferences, thoughts and knowledge rests on the truth or falsehood of his definitions,” correctly observed Ayn Rand so many years ago.

In a very real way, definitions are like the ‘software’ of the mind. Through definitions, the human mind is ‘programmed’ to perceive and understand the world around it. A true understanding of that world requires the use of proper definitions grounded in reality and reason.

This explains why, in today’s Leftist political pandemic crisis, we find ourselves on the fields of contradiction – the epistemological battlefields in an epistemological war – where meanings become meaningless and where facts don’t matter.

Because their ideologies and objectives are built on lies and falsehoods, destroying knowledge of the truth is essential to all dictatorships. Towards this end, contradictions are the most powerful weapon of all despots and tyrannical movements because when forced to use contradictory ideas, the mind becomes incapable of resistance.

We cannot simply deal with contradictions by dismissing or ignoring them. They must be identified and refuted and the only way to do this is by offering proper objective definitions relative to a given contradiction.

The war we are in is very real and freedom itself is at stake. But unlike conventional warfare identified by the use of physical weapons, the weapon that appears to work best in destroying our Western culture is the propaganda of repeated contradiction. This calls for a concerted repetition of the truth by all those able to express it.

To call it a ‘war of words’ is perhaps an over-simplification. But it’s still a pretty good way to describe our current political pandemic in a way that’s Just Right.

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Oct 142021

On February 2, 2013, Australian politician Ann Bressington delivered a haunting speech at the Adelaide Convention Centre as part of the Lord Monckton Launch. She warned that Agenda 21 is “about controlling every aspect of our lives,” and that “fear of an environmental crisis will be used to create a world government.”

Alarmingly, in citing Agenda 21’s depopulation agenda, she warned: “Another goal of the depopulation process is that the upcoming generation will submit to sterilization to save mother earth.” And with that sentence Bressington connected the dots between ‘fighting climate change’ and ‘mandated vaccinations,’ both Agenda 21 strategies to depopulate the planet and establish a single world government.

It is now 2021, the targeted year of Agenda 21, and the depopulation agenda is well under way. It’s surprising how many people still believe that Agenda 21 is only a ‘conspiracy’ theory. Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees! Continue reading »

Aug 052021

In mid-July, Ontario Premier Doug Ford suggested that Ontario would not be implementing a so-called ‘vaccine passport’ despite his government’s having previously suggested otherwise. But at the same time, private businesses and retailers in Ontario have been implementing their own versions of this divisive concept, some insisting that only those vaccinated may enter their premises, while others insist that those vaccinated may not enter their premises.

Either way, these establishments are guilty of discrimination and should be held accountable for these discriminatory practices. So says our guest Paul McKeever in a position paper developed for the Freedom Party of Ontario.

“Outlaw vaccination discrimination now!” suggests Paul, applying arguments and principles rarely heard (or understood) in the discussion of this very serious controversy. Up till now, the issue has been polarized and argued in an intellectual, moral, and philosophical vacuum, with each side blind to the strict context within which such a discussion is valid – the context of free trade. Continue reading »