815 – Just Left—the ideology of irrationality

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Jun 152023

Being labeled “right wing extremist” still seems to paralyze many on the Right into submission – to the Left.

In reaction, some attempt to dismiss both political labels of Left and Right on the grounds that there are no distinguishing differences between Democrats and Republicans, long identified as being the Left and the Right. Unfortunately, in so doing they have blinded themselves to the enemy while also preventing themselves from using a valuable label in the war of ideas.

Yes, it is true that Democrats and Republicans are essentially the same – because both are on the Left (collectivism), not because the labels of Left and Right have become obsolete. In fact, these labels are needed more than ever before. It is ideas and ideologies that determine what is Left and Right, not political parties or organizations.

Left and Right represent opposite polarities on a political compass that is essential to pointing us in the Right direction towards individual freedom. The necessity of having such a political compass is beginning to dawn upon those involved in various political discussions. As they attempt to explain how we have “suddenly” found ourselves living under tyranny, they discover that all roads lead to the Left. However, they have not yet communicated that individualism and freedom are to be found exclusively on the Right.

The Left has long been operating on a well-organized ideology which, though irrational, has been successful for the lack of any effective rational ideology responding from the political Right. That’s because many on the Right have mistakenly dismissed ideology itself as simply being a manifestation of Leftist intellectual and moral dysfunction. For those on the Right, this is tragic because it is important for the Right to be seen as the polarity that represents an ideology based on reason. Continue reading »

808 – Going Woke—for the good of evil

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Apr 272023

In the nebulous subjective fog of the floating abstraction referred to as “Woke culture,” arriving at anything close to an objective definition of “Woke” is an impossible task.

Some argue that the madness of “Woke” is a form of mental illness, or evil, or both. Given the movement’s utter disconnect from reality and reason, these perspectives are understandable.

After all, the “Woke” agenda encompasses the transgender ideology, the climate change ideology, the Covid ideology, the racist ideology of Black Lives Matter, the “words-are-violence” ideology of censorship, violent protest and threats against peaceful people, war mongering and hatred, and all things considered “democratic.”

The visible and outrageous denials of evidence and facts that can be witnessed by anyone may appear to be a form of mental illness, but it is much more; it is evidence of an evil movement dedicated to nihilism and the destruction of Western culture.

In 1947, Ludwig Von Mises warned: “It may happen that Fascism will be resurrected very soon under a new label and with new slogans and symbols. But if this happens, the consequences will be detrimental. For Fascism is not, as the Fascists trumped, a “new way to life,” it is a rather old way toward destruction and death.”

Today’s temporary label for Fascism is “Woke.” Its slogans include “Own nothing and be happy,” “Black lives matter,” “Build back better,” and a whole host of evil notions that its victims must not criticize.

One sure sign of an evil ideology is the demand that some kind of “sacrifice” be made for the “good of society.” Throughout history, every evil ideology from communism to fascism has called upon making “sacrifices” to correct some perceived social inequity.

In the end, these sacrifices never served the “good of society,” but turned out to be sacrifices for the “good of evil” – for the good of those calling for sacrifice in the first place.

The best way to understand “W.O.K.E.” in a way that is Just Right, is to treat it as an acronym for Worldwide Organized Killing Effort.

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792 – Epistēmē illogical—the destruction of language

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Jan 052023

“Just follow the science” has been the incessant refrain of those pushing everything from climate change to dangerous injections. Because their claims with regard to these sinister objectives are in conflict with reality and reason, it should not be surprising that they have abandoned the most fundamental of all the sciences: epistemology.

Derived from the Greek ‘epistēmē’ (knowledge) and ‘logos’ (discourse), epistemology is defined as “the science that investigates the origin, nature, methods, and limits of knowledge.”

Ultimately, all true science involves a search for knowledge and truth. Every science therefore rests upon its own epistemology to validate the truth or falsehood of its knowledge obtained against the test of reality.

Unlike the physical world, the political world is a world of abstractions (left and right, conservative and liberal, capitalism and communism, tyranny and freedom, etc). Politics is about ideas, concepts, and theories in conflict. But as with the physical sciences, if those concepts are flawed, tragic consequences may result.

For those on the Right, one of the most destructive concepts to the cause of freedom and individualism is the anti-concept of “polarization,” along with a dismissal of the terms “left” and “right” as being no longer distinguishable. Continue reading »

790 – Peace on earth—the unknown ideal

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Dec 222022

If we want to celebrate peace on earth this Christmas, then perhaps we should be celebrating capitalism and everything it represents.

Peace is not simply the absence of war. It is also the absence of any form of tyranny. It is a condition that arises whenever the use of force and fraud are prohibited in human relationships.

There is only one form of governance that fits this description – an unknown ideal that continues to be so even as the world desperately seeks a solution to the problems that it would solve.

Capitalism is a social system based on the recognition of individual rights, including property rights, in which all property is privately owned,” explained Ayn Rand in Capitalism – The Unknown Ideal. “In a capitalist society, all human relationships are voluntary.”

In the latest attempt to destroy the concept of capitalism, Klaus Schwab has introduced the anti-concept of “stakeholder capitalism” in which we will all “own nothing and be happy.”

Of course, the reality is that capitalism is a system in which each individual owns what is rightfully earned, and where happiness is up to each individual to pursue and achieve.

The world is constantly at war, elaborated Rand, “because the dominant political philosophy is statism. Statism – in fact and in principle – is nothing more than gang rule. It is not a system conducive to brotherhood, security, cooperation, and peace.”

Our understanding of the world and everything around us is based on the definition of the words and concepts that we use. If those definitions are incorrect, then so too is our understanding of the world. Unless we come to view capitalism in a way that is Just Right, peace on earth will forever remain an unknown ideal.

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787 – The dictatorship of the primitive | Salim Mansur

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Dec 012022

In an effort to describe and explain the madness forcing various versions of a “green agenda” upon us, our guest Salim Mansur recently found himself drawn to a series of essays originally compiled in Ayn Rand’s 1971 book “The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution.” (re-released in 1999 as “Return of the Primitive” with additional essays by Peter Schwartz on the enduring legacy of the Left.)

“There is something fundamentally primitive in this malady, this profound sickness that has overtaken Western man,” laments Salim. “It was astounding. Everything that Rand wrote about is what we’re living through. This is not a new debate.”

Drawing upon Rand’s symbolic comparison of the Greek gods Apollo and Dionysus with the Right and Left respectively, Salim is led unavoidably to the conclusion that the making of civilizations is an individual undertaking, not a collective one.

In the light of that reality, the collectivist wave now enveloping the West can itself be understood to be both the cause and symptom of civilization’s collapse. Continue reading »

Aug 252022

Apparently, the Left was never adequately immunized against Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), the political virus that infected Democrats, globalists, the deep state, and the fake news media the first time Trump rose to power. Now the latest variant has emerged, a clear sign that Trump must once again be on the rise.

For example, Carleton University professor and journalist Andrew Cohen in an August 19 editorial “Right follows script after Mar-a-Lago search” wrote “The right exploded. They screamed, they seethed, they snarled. The words were not just shrill, they were terrifying. At times, they encouraged violence. These are the new Republican rules of order in public debate. Rush to judgment. Ignore facts. Enter shooting. Empty your arsenal. Deny. Attack. Restraint is no virtue. Insanity is no vice.”

And then there was American philosopher, author, and podcast host Sam Harris, whose TDS infection has exposed a moral vacuum devoid of any principle or values whatever.

While openly citing evidence demonstrating Biden’s corruption (but offering none regarding Trump), Harris argued “Whatever the scope of Joe Biden’s corruption is… it is infinitesimal compared to the corruption we know Trump is involved in.” This, after proudly proclaiming that he “would not have cared” if Hunter Biden had “the corpses of children in his basement.” Continue reading »

771 – It’s biblical—God, politics, and morality

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Aug 112022

It has long been argued that totalitarian nations and tyrannies are a consequence of the “atheistic” philosophies under which they are ruled. However, this is a serious error. It is based on the mistaken view that “atheism” is some kind of philosophy or doctrine, as is the case with theism. But this is not so.

Consider that, unlike the word “theist” which in a proper context identifies what a person is, “atheist” is a negative concept that defines a person in terms of what he is not. In no way can it be reasonably justified on these grounds to conclude that atheists have some kind of “atheist belief system” or philosophy.

In fact, in philosophical and moral terms “atheism” isn’t even a thing. However, tyranny is. That tyrannies may be “atheistic” is mere association; it is not cause and effect. Totalitarian regimes and tyrannies are caused by collectivist ideologies invariably supported by Leftist theists and atheists alike. Similarly, theists and atheists on the Right support freedom and justice.

In the moral and political gulf between freedom and tyranny, the only polarity that matters is the one that contrasts the values of the Left (collectivism) with those of the Right (individualism).

Thus it is unfortunate that some on the “religious right” have been increasingly disparaging atheists, as if atheism is somehow a causal factor behind the current tyranny. In atheism, theists perceive an absence of morality rather than recognizing the presence of alternative moralities grounded on different principles.

On the one hand are those who cannot conceive of morality without faith in a God and afterlife, while on the other there are those who cannot conceive of morality based on anything but reason exercised within a finite limited lifetime.

Fortunately, experience has demonstrated that these metaphysically opposing views do not preclude a shared morality. Whether theist or atheist, what counts in politics is which side of political polarity holds power – Left or Right. Consequently, those on the side of freedom will of necessity eventually gravitate towards those moral alliances held together in an orbit circling the political polarity that is Just Right.

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