The West Wants Out | Salim Mansur

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Oct 172022

When the Reform Party of Canada was created in 1987 it captured the discontent that many Western Canadians felt about the inequities of Confederation. Their slogan was “The West Wants In.”

Since then, the Reform Party morphed into the Canadian Alliance which again evolved into the Conservative Party of Canada. Throughout these changes, however, Westerners witnessed no essential change in the way that Ottawa treated them, even under the majority government of Stephen Harper.

Finally realizing that Canada is nothing more than a patchwork quilt of quarreling provinces and regions many in the West no longer regard the country as their home and feel that independence would be more in their best interest.

Our guest, professor Salim Mansur of Western University recently toured Alberta and British Columbia coming away with a sense that separation—particularly for Alberta—may be the only viable way for that jurisdiction to prosper and at the same time prompt the rest of Canada to repair the tenuous bonds that hold the nation together.

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The Freedom Convoy | Andrew Lawton

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Aug 032022

The Trucker’s Freedom Convoy was a pivotal moment in Canadian history and one which will be studied for many years to come.

Predictably, the dependent press (legacy media outlets in the direct pay of the Liberal government) were notorious for their mishandling of the event. Their feeble and often amateurish attacks meant to vilify the protesters by means of deception and outright falsehoods were thwarted by the coverage of the rally by honest journalists such as Andrew Lawton of True North.

In order to set the record straight for the sake of posterity, Andrew published The Freedom Convoy—The inside story of three weeks that shook the world (Sutherland House). The book quickly became a best seller. In it, Andrew details how the rally was nothing like that depicted by both the dependent press and the politicians in government.

Andrew also reveals the inner workings of the organization that started the Convoy although “organization” is a term used loosely as it soon became apparent that the rally was quickly evolving into a massive grassroots movement spanning the country and involving several thousands of protesters.

Fueled by disgust and even rage over the tyrannical measures the Trudeau/Singh government had inflicted on them during the preceding two years Canadians across the country supported the truckers in numbers never seen before in this country. The response was noticed all over the world with similar convoys starting up in Europe, Australia, and the United States.

Robert Vaughan sat down with Andrew to discuss his inside knowledge of the freedom convoy and the events of those three weeks that shook the world.

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Canada—Vassal state of the globalists | Salim Mansur

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Jun 172022

Is Canada a nation in its death throes or a nation yet to be born? Given that we’ve never truly been an independent mature nation because of our history we may still be in the process of our political birth as an independent nation, maybe not the one we expected. Or maybe Canada is a tragedy that will never reach its potential because its political parents are in the process of aborting their political child of freedom. Or worse, that Canadians themselves are committing national suicide.

These questions, posed by Bob Metz on the June 2nd episode of Just Right are answered by our guest, Professor Salim Mansur of Western University who revisits Canada’s history from the 1759 Battle of the Plains of Abraham through to the Truckers’ Convoy of 2022.

In the final analysis, he concludes, that Canada is and has been a vassal state—a nation dependent on others for its well-being. Prior to WWII, it was Great Britain. From WWII until the end of the Cold War it was the United States. And since then, Canada continues to be a vassal state of the Globalist neocons in Washington in league with the EU and the World Economic Forum. Continue reading »

760 – Projecting a state of freedom | Derek Proulx

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May 262022

“Live free or die” is the state motto of New Hampshire, and our guest Derek Proulx, a volunteer with the Free State Project elaborates: “…for death is not the worst of evils – slavery is.”

The strategy behind the project depends upon attracting a significant number of liberty-minded activists to a single state, one with a low enough population to effectively enable them to lobby and influence the local culture so as to elect more freedom-oriented political representatives to local governments.

Remarkably, there are other similar projects springing up, such as one now underway in Alberta involving the separation of that province from the rest of Canada. Its proponents argue that Alberta must be freed from the tyranny and “abuse” of the federal government.

But why these strategies? It appears the realization that freedom-loving people are a minority is causing many of them to create a refuge from the submissive majority. The success of their efforts is being measured against how well a particular ‘free state’ can maintain its independence and freedom segregated from the majority culture.

In the short run, this strategy can be judged successful but the greater challenge – and long-term danger – still remains. A free state cannot long co-exist next to a tyrannical state, let alone within one, as is the case with provinces and states within their republics or confederations. History and logic both demonstrate that the more dominant state will inevitably rule the smaller.

Thus the necessity of inculcating a philosophy and deep understanding of the nature of individual freedom remains an eternal task, one that must be directed beyond the confines of a segregated jurisdiction
. Establishing a universal awareness and appreciation of freedom’s profound virtue and benefits is a cultural pre-requisite towards establishing any free state – or free nation – or free world – in a manner that’s Just Right.

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758 – Man of the people | Maxime Bernier

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May 122022

“We need an ideological revolution,” recommends our guest Maxime Bernier, leader of the People’s Party of Canada (PPC).

As a former member of the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) who narrowly (and suspiciously) lost a CPC leadership bid, Bernier served as Minister of Foreign Affairs and as chairman of the Committee on National Defense. So when he says that the CPC is “intellectually and morally bankrupt,” his observation is based on direct experience.

“It’s not our war,” says Bernier about the situation in Ukraine. Calling for diplomatic negotiation instead of military escalation, he has found that this view has become an unacceptable discussion point in Canada, where the Trudeau government is forcing Canadian taxpayers to fund the very escalation he fears.

Sadly, reaching Canadians with news about the PPC or its take on the issues has become an uphill struggle. In a country whose fourth estate has been transformed into a taxpayer-funded propaganda machine, the odds of any objective reporting about the PPC or its leader from this media are remote indeed.

Because he has wisely refused to take state-mandated injections, Bernier has been prohibited from travelling freely within his own country. Consequently, Bernier has joined with former Newfoundland premier Brian Peckford (one of the original framers of Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms) to file a lawsuit against the Trudeau government’s violation of everyone’s constitutional right to travel in Canada.

No one, let alone a leader of a national party, should ever be subject to travel restrictions or injection mandates. In the face of the Left’s contempt for individual freedom, Bernier’s style of “doing politics differently” becomes a necessity. Of course, everyone already knows that being Just Right is about as different from how politics is done today as it gets.

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Trucker’s Freedom Convoy 2022 unmasks Canada’s freedom delusion | Salim Mansur

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Feb 112022

The Truckers Freedom Convoy of the past two weeks has lifted the veil, or the mask, on just how fundamentally flawed Canada is and always was. Amid the blaring of truck horns cries of “mandate freedom” are echoing down Wellington Street in Ottawa. Unfortunately, Parliamentarians are deaf to these pleas and if one knows anything of Canadian history, as does our guest Professor Salim Mansur, Parliamentarians have never had freedom on their agenda.

If one understands Canada’s Constitution and is familiar with its laws and practices then one realizes that Canada is not, nor was it ever, a nation of individual rights and “We The People”, rather, Canada was always a nation of We The Parliament, or We The State.

In the British tradition, Canada’s Parliament is supreme. It can, and often does, pass laws that violate the individual rights of its citizens. “Peace, order, and good government” is the mantra of Parliament used by Conservatives and Liberals alike. It is the motive for governance enshrined in Canada’s Constitution (Sect. 91). Contrast this to the founding motivation for the American Revolution and the structure of its government—individual rights. We The People, the first words of the U.S. Constitution, set the USA apart from every other nation on Earth and which still, to this day, is the only country founded on the principle that individual rights lie outside of government and that the primary role of government is to protect those rights.

Canadians often turn to the Canadian Bill of Rights (1960) or to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (1982) as assurance that their individual rights are protected in law. In Canada, however, our individual rights lie not outside of our laws to be protected by the government, they lie inside of government, are limited by the government, and are often violated by the government.

The Bill of Rights is simply a federal statute applying to the federal government which has historically been ignored by the courts. The Charter is a document where peoples’ rights are bracketed by two sections (1 and 33) which, in effect, give power to the Parliament to override any individual right at its discretion.

As Professor Mansur expounds in this discussion, there are no federal parties in Parliament whose raison d’être is to defend the rights of Canadians. The Conservative Party often thought to be the party on the side of individual rights is in fact, as Professor Mansur makes clear, in Parliament to conserve the institutions of Parliament and its credo of “peace, order, and good government.”

“The Conservative Party has been conserving the formulation of the 1867 Act that is peace, order, and good government. (It) is not a party of freedom-loving people. They are not a party that has put the freedom issue at the top of the political agenda.”

A more robust understanding of Canada’s Constitution and how Canada’s Parliament works should reveal to Canadians that they live at the privilege of Cabinet. Their individual rights are an after-thought to the structure of Canadian governance and not a fundamental focus of legislation.

It remains to be seen in this chaotic and tumultuous time whether Canada will ever evolve from a nation of We The State and peace, order, and good governance to a nation of We The People and life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The Truckers’ Freedom Convoy may just be the spark that ignites the freedom revolution that Canada so desperately needs.

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Feb 102022

As the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy in Ottawa continues to make international waves, it has been powerfully instrumental in exposing the true nature of Canada’s crisis to the world.

“Canada is a broken country,” laments our guest Salim Mansur, “ – broken politically, broken economically, broken morally, spiritually. The idea that we have held for so long, with such conviction – that Canada is a free country, that our constitution provides for the defense and protection of the freedom of Canadians – is basically a hoax.”

Salim argues that Canadians have been living through a form of ‘peace, order, and good government,’ one of the ‘principles’ cited by Canadian politicians as justification for their undemocratic actions. Unfortunately, warns Salim, ‘peace, order, and good government’ is an authoritarian formula, not a formula for individual freedom.

“There is no freedom in Canada. What we have is a rule by an elite that imposes upon Canada their whim, their caprice, and their direction.”

Sadly, Salim is Just Right, and we can thank the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy for shining its light on this inconvenient truth.

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