Free State Project—A freedom success story | Derek Proulx

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May 182022

The Free State Project has become a freedom success story in the United States. Stemming from an essay by Professor Jason Sorens, now of St. Anselm College, which proposed that in a state with a population of about 1 million, a critical mass of only 20,000 freedom activists could shape the politics, laws, and culture of that area into one more accepting of, and conducive to, individual freedom.

Derek Proulx, an active volunteer of the Free State Project, joins Just Right Media’s Robert Vaughan to discuss the movement’s many success stories and how other states and provinces in the U.S. and Canada can benefit from their journey in the right direction.

This video is also available on Rumble.

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Apr 072022

Mark Pellegrino is not only a successful actor (Supernatural, The Tomorrow People) he is also an Objectivist and co-founder of the American Capitalist Party.

In conversation with Robert Vaughan, he discusses how Ayn Rand’s philosophy for living has benefitted his life and career and formed the basis for the policies and platform of the American Capitalist Party.

This video is also available on Rumble here.

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734 – Why Freedom Party is Just Right for Ontario | Paul McKeever

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Nov 252021

As advocates of individualism and individual freedom, during the 2021 Canadian federal election we endorsed the People’s Party of Canada under the leadership of Maxime Bernier. Now, with the June 2, 2022 provincial election pending in the province of Ontario, our endorsement goes to the Freedom Party of Ontario under the leadership of Paul McKeever.

Why Freedom Party? To answer that question in a way rarely understood or appreciated, Paul McKeever joins us to discuss many of the persistently pursued, failed, and futile political strategies to which well-intentioned advocates of freedom continually succumb.

For those anxious or desperate to escape a given tyranny of the day, the idea of supporting a new and original political option is immediately dismissed.

Instead, this group is focused on ‘voting against’ the party in power and will generally choose to vote for any other party that appears to have a chance of winning an election. The fact that all of the parties in this electoral position are the same – ideologically and politically – merely offers an option of replacing one tyrant with another. Continue reading »

Aug 052021

In mid-July, Ontario Premier Doug Ford suggested that Ontario would not be implementing a so-called ‘vaccine passport’ despite his government’s having previously suggested otherwise. But at the same time, private businesses and retailers in Ontario have been implementing their own versions of this divisive concept, some insisting that only those vaccinated may enter their premises, while others insist that those vaccinated may not enter their premises.

Either way, these establishments are guilty of discrimination and should be held accountable for these discriminatory practices. So says our guest Paul McKeever in a position paper developed for the Freedom Party of Ontario.

“Outlaw vaccination discrimination now!” suggests Paul, applying arguments and principles rarely heard (or understood) in the discussion of this very serious controversy. Up till now, the issue has been polarized and argued in an intellectual, moral, and philosophical vacuum, with each side blind to the strict context within which such a discussion is valid – the context of free trade. Continue reading »

705 – Winning back our freedom—and why philosophy matters

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May 062021

As more and more people ‘awaken’ to the tyrannical reality of the global lockdowns, a great dilemma presents itself.

No matter how many grasp the true nature of our tyranny, or publicly protest, or civilly disobey our tyrannical laws and politicians, or challenge the courts, the sad fact is that all of Canada’s political parties in the parliaments and legislatures of the country are the source of the tyranny. Without a political option that will guarantee individual freedom on principle, our tyranny will never end.

To Canadians who want an end to lockdowns and other tyrannical rules and regulations, there are currently only two political parties in the nation opposed to them on principle.

Federally, the choice is the People’s Party of Canada, under the leadership of Maxime Bernier. And provincially in the province of Ontario, it is the Freedom Party of Ontario under the leadership of Paul McKeever.

While there are a few independents and occasional members in various parliaments who have expressed opposition to the lockdowns, their opposition has not been based on the necessary philosophical principles. Instead their concern has been over issues of ‘democratic process’ or calls for more ‘accurate’ statistics and ‘scientific’ evidence, none of which could ever justify today’s tyranny.

Given these circumstances, things may seem hopeless for those yearning to win back their freedom democratically – at the ballot box. Worse, many believe that their vote would be ‘wasted’ if they voted for a party that has no elected members and whose past vote totals have been in the single digit percentage range. Without a ‘majority’ how can such parties ever win an election?

Answer: it doesn’t take a ‘majority’ of eligible voters to elect a majority government. In fact, as illustrated by Freedom Party leader Paul McKeever in his analysis of the past ten Ontario elections, the elected parties consistently received between 18.2% to 29.7% of eligible voters, most resulting in majority governments.

Given that every other elected political party in Ontario has vowed to keep the lockdowns going indefinitely (even though they have no moral or democratic right to do so), a vote for any of them is a vote for continued tyranny.

Polls are now suggesting that as many as 20% of Ontarians want their freedom back, a percentage that becomes politically significant in light of the reality of past electoral results. Unfortunately this minority is still reluctant to vote for its convictions, blinded by political myths and unaware of how easily circumstances could be reversed.

As we have demonstrated many times in the past, the political world is and has always been ruled by minorities. ‘Majorities’ always follow, they never lead.

Tyranny will never end in our society until a significant minority philosophically commits to a real political option that is always Just Right – freedom.

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687 – The Great Awakening versus the Great Reset

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Dec 312020

With two conflicting COVID-19 narratives squaring off against each other in an information war, a new polarity is emerging: a ‘Great Awakening’ versus the ‘Great Reset.’

Increasingly more people are awaking to the reality that a false viral pandemic has been intentionally exploited as a propaganda weapon to promote the ‘Great Reset.’ Unfortunately, too many still exist in a zombie like trance induced by a hypnotically repetitive ‘mainstream’ narrative insisting that the viral pandemic is real, thus justifying all the lockdowns and controls.

This represents a direct threat to everyone’s freedom and begs the question: Is it possible to generate a ‘great awakening’ among those behaving like zombies?

Being confronted with evidence that completely shatters one’s understanding of a given situation often causes a condition called ‘cognitive dissonance.’ Thus, even though many have come to accept that the mainstream narrative about COVID is false, they nevertheless continue to comply or be agents of that narrative. Continue reading »

402 – The greater divide / The political god particle

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May 282015

mobius politics


00:07 The Greater Divide: conservatism vs freedom, comparative views – conservative – liberal – freedom, The Great Divide – Bill Gairdner, personal vs public, concept of self, individual vs group, Salim Mansur, individual sovereignty
20:45 Tyrannical democracy: freedom and rights, choice, freedom – democracy – totalitarianism, voting, majority rule, social freedom conflicting rights, democratic cycle
34:50 Definitions please: the problem with adjectives, comparative definitions, conservatism, liberalism, libertarianism
45:08 The political god particle: subjective views of god, supreme being, atheism and morality, floating political abstractions cause confusion and harm 56:49 END