Mar 162023

When our guest Pastor Artur Pawlowski says that Canada’s police forces have been acting like the “Gestapo,” this is no overstatement or exaggeration. As he reminds us, the word “Gestapo” simply means “political police.”

That people associate this word with crimes against humanity and with totalitarianism and tyranny is reasonable and perfectly consistent with both the theory and practice behind political policing. Once a nation reaches the point where its politics requires policing, then you know without a doubt that the government in question does not have the consent of the governed. And that is the Canada of today.

Indeed, a brief description of the story behind the word “Gestapo,” as described in the Universal World Reference Encyclopedia (1955), reveals a great deal about political conditions in Canada today:

Gestapo: the Nazi secret police during the Hitler regime, 1933-1945. Gestapo is an abbreviation of “Geheime Staats-Polizei” or Secret State Police.

“Formed by Hermann Goering in 1933, it was later headed by Heinrich Himmler, who assumed control of all police organizations in 1936. Organized on military lines, the Gestapo had two military branches and one political. It was noted for its terrorism, brutality, and extra-judicial activities. Its members constituted a much-feared elite. The Allies declared it a criminal organization at the Nuremberg Trials in 1946.”

As we can see, while attributable to the Hitler regime, the word “Gestapo” has a very generic definition, aptly describing the function of its existence. It’s history also describes what Canada’s “much feared elite” did to Pastor Pawlowski. From engaging in “extra-judicial activities” to the employment of “terrorism and brutality,” Canadian politicians have turned Canada’s police forces into their own private Gestapo.

So when Artur Pawlowski uses the word “Gestapo” to describe his own personal experience and the state of tyranny in Canada today, he’s Just Right.

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“Unbelievably sick evil people” | Artur Pawlowski

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Mar 032023

After listening to the story of Calgary Pastor Artur Pawlowski you will realize that Canada is not the free country you may have thought it was.

Born in Poland while it was still a part of the Soviet Union Pastor Pawlowski knows totalitarianism firsthand. His experiences since his family moved to Canada showed great promise as he thrived. But, when he started to administer to the homeless in Calgary it became clear that his beloved new home was as corrupt and tyrannical as his birth country was under the communists.

Pastor Pawlowski gained worldwide attention for his unceremonious expulsion of Calgary police officers and health officials from his church during Passover services, calling them Nazi psychopaths, Gestapo, and unbelievably sick evil people. His arrests in the middle of a rainy Calgary highway and on the tarmac of Calgary airport also caught the eye of freedom-loving people as they watched Canada devolve into a police state.

He has been singled out by petty and egomaniacal politicians and bureaucrats, harassed, and persecuted for standing up for his own health decisions and individual rights. He was fined for not wearing a mask, jailed, effectively imprisoned in his own home, forced to pay enormous fines, denied bail on one charge, and kept in solitary confinement.

His experiences are proof that our rights and freedoms in this country are not protected by law and that, at least in lower courts, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms is subservient to the diktats of medical civil servants.

Pastor Pawlowski is now taking his fight to the electorate, and this past September he was elected to lead the Independence Party of Alberta.

The conversation is also available on the following platforms:

Robert Vaughan’s Substack

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793 – The polarization of polarization—from anarchy to freedom

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Jan 122023

It’s remarkable how polarized people can get while objecting to political polarization.

Conditioned to believe that there is no longer any fundamental difference between the Left and Right, a reluctant awakening that the polarities of Left and Right remain persistent and represent real values continues to come as a shock to many.

Far from merely being an issue of semantics, the necessity of polarization is key to winning any political struggle. In this respect, the Left has the clear advantage.

Those struggling to find a place for freedom on a fictional “political spectrum” defined by the Left are clearly a lost constituency, lacking any identity or polarity by which to identify, organize, and unify. Given that “conservatives” no longer represent the Right, the fear of being labeled “right wing” coupled with a rejection of polarization has led many to destructive political alignments with anarchy and libertarianism.

Of course, all of this is to the advantage of the tyrannical Left, whose political victories have primarily been on the battlefield of definitions and propaganda. Until those who value freedom proudly recognize and proclaim their “Rightful” place on the political polarity, their struggle to be seen or heard will continue to be an unnecessarily difficult one.

The fact that freedom has always been Just Right for humanity is why that’s the only polarity where it can be found.

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Dec 292022

When it comes to Canada’s reckless and unconscionable support of waging war in Ukraine, every party and politician currently in Canada’s parliament is “all for war and supports Ukraine,” observes our guest Maxime Bernier, leader of the People’s Party of Canada (PPC).

For Canada, there is no justifiable reason to be involved in the Ukraine conflict. Yet all Canadian politicians share a delusional narrative that supporting Ukraine and waging war with Russia is somehow fighting for democracy and self-determination. Nothing could be further from the truth, which is precisely why censorship and media propaganda play such a large part in their war.

So when Maxime suggests that the conflict in Ukraine is “not our war” that is not to say that Canada is not involved in a war of its own. He understands that Canada’s real war is between the Canadian people and their political elite. It is the war to win the minds and hearts of Canadians themselves, a majority of whom according to official polls, have been convinced that the delusional narrative being advanced by our fake news media and our fake democratic politicians somehow reflects reality.

Ironically, having propagandized enough of the public with their false narratives, Canadian politicians are now justifying their support of war based on polls reflecting their own BS. So it should not be surprising that when the PPC released its factual and thoughtful position on Canada and the Ukraine War, that the silence from the mainstream media and all of the political interests pushing for war was deafening.

However, one thing came through loud and clear. Canadian politicians and their parties are utterly devoid of principles or conviction. Continuing to describe the Conservative Party as “morally and intellectually bankrupt,” Maxime’s apt description is equally applicable to the rest, making the PPC Canada’s only opposition party to the war for which the rest lust, and the only party in Canada that is Just Right for Canadians.

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Dec 222022

The People’s Party of Canada, led by Maxime Bernier represents the views of approximately 1.4 million Canadians yet Canada’s corporate media has refused to cover the Party’s recently released policy statement on the Russo-Ukraine conflict.

The Party’s position is the only one calling for a negotiated peace and starkly contrasts with the warmongering stance taken by all other Canadian political parties and leaders.

“…whatever you think about who the good and the bad guys are, I believe Canada should not have gotten involved in this war. We should have remained neutral and worked with our allies to help establish a peace process” Mr. Bernier said.

All Canadian parliamentarians are in lock-step in their blind support of the Ukrainian government of Volodymyr Zelenskyy—blind because they are refusing to acknowledge the undemocratic nature of Zelenskyy’s regime and his brutal subjugation of Russo-Ukrainians. Blind also for their refusal to even consider the causes which precipitated the actions from Moscow.

Zelenskyy has banned most opposition parties, nationalized the media, and is moving to outlaw the Orthodox Church and still, Canadian Parliamentarians call him the “Champion of democracy,” while Moscow has claimed that it is acting lawfully within the bounds of the United Nations Charter Chapter VII Article 51.

Here, Mr. Bernier joins Robert Vaughan of Just Right Media to discuss the geopolitical consequences of the conflict unfolding in Ukraine and the disgraceful and irresponsible behaviour of Canada’s parliamentarians and corporate media.

This video is also available on YouTube, BitChute, and Odysee.

Mr. Bernier’s presentation of the PPC’s policy on the Russo-Ukrainian conflict may be found on Rumble and on YouTube

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The West Wants Out | Salim Mansur

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Oct 172022

When the Reform Party of Canada was created in 1987 it captured the discontent that many Western Canadians felt about the inequities of Confederation. Their slogan was “The West Wants In.”

Since then, the Reform Party morphed into the Canadian Alliance which again evolved into the Conservative Party of Canada. Throughout these changes, however, Westerners witnessed no essential change in the way that Ottawa treated them, even under the majority government of Stephen Harper.

Finally realizing that Canada is nothing more than a patchwork quilt of quarreling provinces and regions many in the West no longer regard the country as their home and feel that independence would be more in their best interest.

Our guest, professor Salim Mansur of Western University recently toured Alberta and British Columbia coming away with a sense that separation—particularly for Alberta—may be the only viable way for that jurisdiction to prosper and at the same time prompt the rest of Canada to repair the tenuous bonds that hold the nation together.

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759 – It’s party time in Ontario—the freedom to party and a party to freedom | Paul McKeever | Mike McMullen

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May 192022

When it comes to Ontario’s 2022 provincial election now under way, it appears that there are more politicians wanting the freedom to party than there are who want a party to freedom.

Considering the number of political parties now registered in the province of Ontario, it’s alarming to realize that only one is a party to freedom. That party is the Freedom Party of Ontario (FPO) and its leader Paul McKeever (also FPO’s candidate in London North Centre) joins us to describe why this is so.

Along the way, Paul offers a history of Freedom Party and of the Ontario government’s persistent manipulation of the electoral system – and of political parties – since FPO’s founding in 1984.

On the federal front it’s much the same story, where the only party to freedom is the People’s Party of Canada (PPC). Past PPC candidate for London West, Mike McMullen, joins us to describe why he also feels comfortable now running as a provincial 2022 candidate for Freedom Party in his same riding.

Having participated in provincial candidate debates, both Paul and Mike have noticed how any discussion of the government’s pandemic response over the past few years is being entirely avoided by the other parties, and how they’re all desperately pretending it’s politics as usual. Most noticeable is the absence of any Progressive Conservative (PC) candidates at the debates, particularly given that the ruling PC party is the party most responsible for the government’s mishandling of the entire pandemic controversy.

Calling for the government to be held accountable for its incredible violations of individual freedom during the past few years is a key objective of Freedom Party’s 2022 election platform appropriately titled: Truth Rights Justice Freedom.

It’s also why, as the party’s own literature proclaims, Freedom Party is Ontario’s only party that’s “Just Right for Ontario.”

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