817 – Still singing in the reign (of tyranny) – just music that’s Just Right

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Jun 292023

As this year’s Canada Day (July 1) and Independence Day (July 4) approach, it is a tragedy that the freedoms once associated with these celebrations of nationhood no longer exist.

Canadians and Americans alike have found themselves living in a reign of tyranny – justified by fighting Covid and climate change, transgender ideology, racism, identity politics and a whole host of make-believe crisis’ created to hide the real crisis of tyranny itself.

One traditional way to protest tyranny has been to celebrate freedom through music and entertainment. We first featured our own sampling of voices “singing in the reign (of tyranny)” at the end of 2021; it is now mid 2023 and that tyranny still continues to reign.

Therefore in continuing the spirit of both protest and celebration, we are pleased to shower you with our second broadcast entirely dedicated to musical selections where the artists not only have something to “play” but something to “say” about the zeitgeist in which we live.

What better way to celebrate each country’s national heritage – of freedom – than with more music that’s Just Right.

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816 – Proof—that ideas matter

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Jun 222023

Ideas matter. Those that are false can lead to tragic consequences while those that are valid can lead to great opportunities and well-being. But how can we reliably prove which are true and which are false?

In our search for truth, demanding “proof” for everything we know and experience in life is perhaps less an asset than a handicap caused by living in a scientific age. “Blinded by science” is a great expression describing an irrational demand for proof. It is also a good way to describe those who are fooled by demands that we “follow the science,” little realizing that the “science” they are actually following is “political science.”

Fortunately, the road to truth is less about requiring “proof” than it is about articulately and consistently expressing ourselves using ideas based on valid concepts and definitions. Armed with such concepts, it not only becomes much easier to identify the truth, but also easier to reveal those who would change and alter definitions to hide the truth. Such people know that truth is knowledge and knowledge is power.

Naturally, the power of truth represents a threat to those who maintain power through falsehoods and lies. For them, the best way to prevent people from discovering the truth is by controlling or prohibiting freedom of speech. And this is exactly what is being done.

When it comes to validating truth, the “proof” as they say, “is in the pudding.” History has demonstrated that freedom emerges when people express their ideas defined in a way that is Just Right, but the truth is that there’s no way to “prove” it – despite the evidence.

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Jun 012023

Putin’s recent warning against the destructive path taken by the Western nations was not the kind one would expect from an enemy, but rather, from a friend.

Citing his country’s experience with its own WOKE ideology in 1917 – then called Marxism – Putin cautioned the Western nations not to repeat a similar history of crimes against humanity.

“We look in amazement…” he began, as he recited a litany of dangerous cultural trends emerging in the Western nations. Quoting the words of Martin Luther King, and lamenting the West’s abandonment of its great literature like Shakespeare to its adoption of racism and “cancel culture” in popular movies, Putin painted a picture of the West that reflected a truth that Western leaders dare not acknowledge.

It was a remarkable speech, given that it was presented in the middle of an all-out American proxy war being fought against Russia in Ukraine. Unlike America and NATO, who continually advocate the destruction of Russia and the overthrow of Putin, Putin himself responded to America’s hatred with an expression of love and deep concern.

And this approach appears consistent with reports that Putin is looking forward to seeing Donald Trump back in power in 2024.

Whatever the future, when it came to his analysis and critique of Western culture’s slide into tyranny, Putin was remarkably Just Right on every count.

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810 – Courting the cultural divide | Bruce Pardy

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May 112023

At a time when the tyranny of the administrative state has taken hold on most Western governments, the great danger in any current attempts to change laws or amend constitutions is that, because law reflects the culture, freedom will continue to be eroded instead of being valued and protected.

“Law is a product of culture,” observes our guest Bruce Pardy, Executive Director of Rights Probe who has recently testified before the National Citizen’s Inquiry. Given the current culture of tyranny, any amendments or changes to current laws or charters would tend to further restrict our rights and freedoms, not defend them.

Numerous failed court challenges to the mandated Covid lockdowns and injections have demonstrated that Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms protects neither rights nor freedom. Without recourse to a legal remedy to a violation of any given right, that right does not exist, warns Pardy.

By describing law as a political language that legitimizes politics, Pardy connects the dots between politics and the values of the culture on which its political policies are founded.

Recognizing that culture precedes politics, calling for a cultural remedy to cure the political disease may seem too abstract and difficult to achieve. But the cure is simple, even if not always quick and easy.

It takes the form of courageously speaking out with a voice of truth until truth becomes a fundamental value of the culture. After all, unless the culture is Just Right, its laws will never be so.

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The tyranny of the Administrative State | Bruce Pardy

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May 062023

In his recent testimony to the National Citizen’s Inquiry, Bruce Pardy—Executive Director of Rights Probe—made clear that Canadians have allowed their country to devolve into an all-powerful Administrative State.

We have a nation where Parliament delegates to the Executive, the Executive determines what, in their discretion, is best for the good of the country, and the courts defer to the “expertise” of the Executive.

While many might suggest that such an Executive branch is a necessary feature of a modern state we must acknowledge that given such great powers we can also expect our liberties to be in peril.

Says, Bruce, “I do not agree that it is the role of people inside the government to fix social problems. I think the role of government is to tell us what the general rules are that define the relationship between each one of us to the other and between us and the state. If you have those general abstract rules that apply to everybody all the time, then you shouldn’t need the kind of Administrative State we have now. I’m describing what is sometimes called a “Night-watchman State,” a state that is there to keep the peace and to establish the basic principles and then otherwise leaves people alone to make their own way.”

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799 – Brave new normal | John C. A. Manley

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Feb 232023

“We have art that we do not die of reality” – Friedrich Nietzsche

Facing one’s fears in a dystopian world requires a kind of courage and bravery that most Canadians have rarely been forced to call upon. In his fiction novel, “Much Ado About Corona – a dystopian love story” our guest John C.A. Manley tells a tale about the emergence of such courage in the midst of an emerging Canadian police state.

Significantly, John’s novel is evidence of the powerful role that art and literature can have in reflecting the “Covid” reality of the world in which we live. Though its plot and characters are fictional, the novel reflects a deep truth about the reality in which Canadians today find themselves, in part thanks to incorporating the narratives and insights of shows like Just Right, which is included among the dozens of references cited in the book.

In helping him expose the “Covidian Lie,” John’s son Jonah has composed and performed a musical commentary of the same name, thereby adding an additional weapon to their arsenal of artistic persuasion.

Cultures are built and identified around the stories, songs, and philosophies that define them, and most such stories tend to blend fact with fiction. The experiences of the fictional characters are representations of real life experiences, while the factual and historical backdrop of the story provides the reality and truth that make the story itself real and true.

When it is said that “life imitates art,” this is a reflection of the powerful role that art plays in shaping our reality. And of course, art similarly imitates life. In times of tyranny, fictional narratives can reveal truths and facts in a way that often escapes the notice of the tyrannical.

“Once you accept (the truth) then you’re able to do something about it,” observes John. “Until you’ve accepted it, you can’t.”

The truth is what breaks through the lies which is why all tyrannies fear truth most of all. The power of fiction lies in the fact that, through fictional narratives, truth can be discovered in a way that is Just Right for those still struggling to see it.

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798 – Some inconvenient truths—about freedom

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Feb 162023

For most people in the Western world, “freedom” has been taken as a given. Their ability to do so depended upon a fundamental moral principle held in common, one that Professor of Moral Philosophy John Macmurray (1891-1976) described as the “law of freedom.”

“No man can compass his own freedom for himself,” warned Macmurray in his 1949 book Conditions of Freedom. “He must accept it as a free gift from others; and if they will not give it to him he cannot have it. This is the law of freedom.”

The palpable loss of freedom now experienced on a global scale makes visible an inconvenient truth about freedom that few wish to address, but upon which Macmurray conveniently elaborated:

“We flatter ourselves too much when we imagine that we love freedom and strive wholeheartedly towards freedom. On the contrary; there are few things that we fear so much. No doubt we find the ‘idea’ of freedom most attractive; but the reality is another matter. For to act freely is to take a decision and accept the consequences.

“I see history, in its concrete reality, not as Man’s struggle to win his freedom in a world that frustrates his efforts; but as a record of the twists and evasions by which men seek to escape from freedom in a world which thrusts it remorselessly upon them. The determination which oppresses us is not the opposite of freedom; for what is determined is that Man shall be free.”

In other words, the inconvenient truth about freedom is that most people don’t want it. This leaves those who do want freedom obligated to take the initiative by getting involved in politics, both on principle and as guardians committed to the eternal vigilance required in a free society.

In light of the understanding that freedom must be given freely by each individual to other individuals, it turns out that the phrase “Give me liberty or give me death,” apparently describes the nature of freedom in a way that’s Just Right.

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