Just Right

Just Right is a weekly shortwave radio show. Hosts, Bob Metz and Robert Vaughan analyze issues from a viewpoint of individual rights, freedom, and capitalism.

Fear no evil—Exposing the climate change cult | Matthew Wielicki

 Environmentalism, Globalism, Latest, Politics, Science, Science & Tech., Society, Video  Comments Off on Fear no evil—Exposing the climate change cult | Matthew Wielicki
Mar 132023

After having been overshadowed by the COVID campaign of terror, and as we become inured to the horrors of the war in Ukraine, the spectre of climate change is again beginning to come to the fore.

With countries like Canada implementing “Just Transition” legislation designed to put the country on a path of “Net-Zero” carbon dioxide emissions, and the United States refusing life-enhancing pipeline projects like Keystone XL, we are witnessing the destruction of Western civilization and capitalism, a degradation of our living standards, and an elimination of our rights.

Climate change is a religion. It comes complete with a god—Gaia, a hell—boiling oceans, catechism—the Paris Accord, and priests and priestesses—Al Gore and Greta Thunberg.

As with any religion, there is a litany of sins, some minor such as eating meat, and some mortal such as driving more than 15 minutes from your home. And with every sin, there is an appropriate penance, $40 for a pound of ground chuck and carbon taxes on gasoline.

The religion of climate change is based on faith and fear. We must have faith in the wisdom our priests and priestesses and we must fear the coming Armageddon, the retribution of a vengeful Gaia if their words are not heeded.

Thankfully there are plenty of heretics out there to nail some scientific sense to the door of the church of climate change in protest.

Dr. Matthew Wielicki, assistant professor in the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Alabama, arms us with some facts, any one of which would expose the false religion of climate change, but when put together obliterate it and make a laughing stock out of its false prophets.

– CO2 is not a pollutant. It is essential for plant life and more is better.
– We are in the middle of an ice age.
– Ice at the Earth’s poles is not the norm.
– Earth’s changing orbit around the sun is the primary driving force for climate change.
– Man’s contribution to climate change is insignificant.
– One cannot buy one’s way into heaven on Earth by paying a carbon tithe.

And now that we’ve almost milked the religion metaphor to death (and probably offended every Catholic and Protestant reading this) let’s watch Dr. Wielicki show us the way, the truth, and the life we should enjoy once we dispel our unfounded fear of the climate change cult.

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“Unbelievably sick evil people” | Artur Pawlowski

 Conservatism, Latest, Law, Political Parties, Politics, Video  Comments Off on “Unbelievably sick evil people” | Artur Pawlowski
Mar 032023

After listening to the story of Calgary Pastor Artur Pawlowski you will realize that Canada is not the free country you may have thought it was.

Born in Poland while it was still a part of the Soviet Union Pastor Pawlowski knows totalitarianism firsthand. His experiences since his family moved to Canada showed great promise as he thrived. But, when he started to administer to the homeless in Calgary it became clear that his beloved new home was as corrupt and tyrannical as his birth country was under the communists.

Pastor Pawlowski gained worldwide attention for his unceremonious expulsion of Calgary police officers and health officials from his church during Passover services, calling them Nazi psychopaths, Gestapo, and unbelievably sick evil people. His arrests in the middle of a rainy Calgary highway and on the tarmac of Calgary airport also caught the eye of freedom-loving people as they watched Canada devolve into a police state.

He has been singled out by petty and egomaniacal politicians and bureaucrats, harassed, and persecuted for standing up for his own health decisions and individual rights. He was fined for not wearing a mask, jailed, effectively imprisoned in his own home, forced to pay enormous fines, denied bail on one charge, and kept in solitary confinement.

His experiences are proof that our rights and freedoms in this country are not protected by law and that, at least in lower courts, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms is subservient to the diktats of medical civil servants.

Pastor Pawlowski is now taking his fight to the electorate, and this past September he was elected to lead the Independence Party of Alberta.

The conversation is also available on the following platforms:

Robert Vaughan’s Substack

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Poilievre exposed as “fraud” after Christine Anderson’s Canadian visit | Maxime Bernier

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Mar 012023

The recent visit of European Parliamentarian Christine Anderson to Canada has highlighted the contrasting ideologies of the Conservative Party’s Pierre Poilievre and Maxime Bernier of the People’s Party.

Ms. Anderson gained popularity among many Canadians when she rebuked Justin Trudeau during his visit to the European Parliament in March 2022. She condemned him for admiring the Chinese dictatorship, violating citizens’ fundamental rights, and criminalizing dissenting voices.

During her visit to Canada, Ms. Anderson met with hundreds of supporters including Maxime Bernier and three Conservative MPs. Mr. Bernier hailed her as the “Queen of Freedom” and made her an honorary member of the PPC, while Mr. Poilievre reprimanded his MPs for associating with her, branding her opinions as vile and racist.

However, Mr. Poilievre and the reporting of his statement failed to mention which of Ms. Anderson’s opinions he considered racist and vile—a glaring omission.

In this conversation, Maxime Bernier calls out Mr. Poilievre for being a fraud and an opportunist who uses photo-ops with Freedom Convoy truckers to appease protestors during a Conservative Party leadership contest. However, when it comes to issues such as immigration limits, Mr. Poilievre unfairly stigmatizes his opponents by calling them “racist,” and in doing so aligns himself with Justin Trudeau and other critics of responsible economics and individual freedom.

Also available on the following platforms:

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Feb 152023

Dr. Jessica Rose is a Canadian researcher using her expertise in immunology and computational biology to raise the alarm about COVID-19 “vaccines.”

The decision by the Centers For Disease Control (CDC) recommending that COVID-19 “vaccines” be included in the typical regimen of vaccines given to children as young as six months old has her alarmed. This decision, coupled with her research which has shown that as many as 13 million people worldwide may have died as a result of COVID-19 mRNA injections should horrify any parent.

“I don’t even know how to think about this seriously. A six-month-old baby’s immune system, neurological system, cardiovascular system, all of the systems are really in the development phase so we have no idea what the impact of doing this is. Do not put this crap into your babies. Don’t do it.”

(This video banned by YouTube but can be found on our Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee channels.)

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Freedom Convoy—We the people | Salim Mansur

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Feb 122023

On the anniversary of the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy, we discuss how Canada’s history and Constitution permitted the abuses by our governments which precipitated the protest and allowed for the brutal and violent response by the police.

In essence, Canada is not a nation founded on the notion that the people are supreme. It is a country founded of, by, and for elites—a nation where Parliament is supreme and the people are merely serfs.

Professor Salim Mansur of Western University says that we must reevaluate our history and revisit our Charter of Rights and Freedoms to ensure that, in the future, our individual rights are better protected from the whims of elitist politicians who have demonstrated their complete disdain for us, the people.

(This video is also available on Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee.)

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Armistice or annihilation—Ukraine’s end game | Salim Mansur

 Foreign Relations, Globalism, Journalism, Latest, Military, Politics, Society, Video  Comments Off on Armistice or annihilation—Ukraine’s end game | Salim Mansur
Feb 012023

“The collective West has brought us to the precipice of a nuclear Armageddon.” So says our guest professor Salim Mansur.

Those seeking peace are searching the West in vain for any among its leaders, media, or intelligentsia calling for peace. All seem blinded by an irrational and unjustified Russophobia. The result is a general populace duped into thinking that this is a “just war” and Ukraine must win despite the threat of a nuclear conclusion.

“There can be no just war in the nuclear age,” notes Professor Mansur. “There has to be an immediate ceasefire, an armistice, and then we talk and engage with what will be the position of Ukraine and meeting the interests of Russia and the interests of other European countries.”

There are historic precedents for the situation the West finds itself in. During the stalemate of WWI and after the loss of 15 to 22 million lives there came the realization that the only way to end the bloodshed was an armistice—not a surrender but an acknowledgment that nothing further could be gained by either side in continuing the conflict. And on November 11, 1918, an armistice was signed and at 11:00 am that day the guns went silent.

The same awareness came about during the war in Vietnam when Walter Cronkite went on the air in a rare opinion piece and said, “To say that we are mired in stalemate seems to be the only realistic if unsatisfactory conclusion. It is increasingly clear to this reporter that the only rational way out then will be to negotiate, not as victors but as an honorable people who lived up to their pledge to defend democracy and did the best they could.” President Johnson was reported to have said “If I’ve lost Cronkite, I’ve lost Middle America.” Such was the power of the media then and, although considerably weakened, such is the power of the media today.

So too, in this conflict involving nuclear combatants, there must come the understanding that all hostilities must cease and negotiations for the partition of Ukraine begin. A continuation of the conflict may only lead to the unthinkable.

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Dec 222022

The People’s Party of Canada, led by Maxime Bernier represents the views of approximately 1.4 million Canadians yet Canada’s corporate media has refused to cover the Party’s recently released policy statement on the Russo-Ukraine conflict.

The Party’s position is the only one calling for a negotiated peace and starkly contrasts with the warmongering stance taken by all other Canadian political parties and leaders.

“…whatever you think about who the good and the bad guys are, I believe Canada should not have gotten involved in this war. We should have remained neutral and worked with our allies to help establish a peace process” Mr. Bernier said.

All Canadian parliamentarians are in lock-step in their blind support of the Ukrainian government of Volodymyr Zelenskyy—blind because they are refusing to acknowledge the undemocratic nature of Zelenskyy’s regime and his brutal subjugation of Russo-Ukrainians. Blind also for their refusal to even consider the causes which precipitated the actions from Moscow.

Zelenskyy has banned most opposition parties, nationalized the media, and is moving to outlaw the Orthodox Church and still, Canadian Parliamentarians call him the “Champion of democracy,” while Moscow has claimed that it is acting lawfully within the bounds of the United Nations Charter Chapter VII Article 51.

Here, Mr. Bernier joins Robert Vaughan of Just Right Media to discuss the geopolitical consequences of the conflict unfolding in Ukraine and the disgraceful and irresponsible behaviour of Canada’s parliamentarians and corporate media.

This video is also available on YouTube, BitChute, and Odysee.

Mr. Bernier’s presentation of the PPC’s policy on the Russo-Ukrainian conflict may be found on Rumble and on YouTube

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