Apr 072022

Mark Pellegrino is not only a successful actor (Supernatural, The Tomorrow People) he is also an Objectivist and co-founder of the American Capitalist Party.

In conversation with Robert Vaughan, he discusses how Ayn Rand’s philosophy for living has benefitted his life and career and formed the basis for the policies and platform of the American Capitalist Party.

This video is also available on Rumble here.

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738 – Just music that’s Just Right—singing in the reign (of tyranny)

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Dec 232021

On the heels of yet another Christmas season restriction on public ‘singing’ and ‘caroling’, it is only fitting that some actual voices singing – against the reign of tyranny – should be heard.

If it’s true that politics is ‘downstream from culture,’ then there’s a positive cultural development for freedom in the field of music. Many artists are musically voicing their opposition to the tyranny that has been imposed on the pretense of avoiding a dangerous virus.

From freedom of speech to ‘vaccines’ to the tyranny itself, our musical selection today features some of these artists and performers. It is encouraging to discover how so many are awake and aware of what is actually happening in this political pandemic.

That’s why everyone should be singing in the reign (of tyranny)! How? By featuring just the music that’s Just Right.

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There’s No Such Thing as a Palestinian | Paul Lambert & Salim Mansur

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Nov 132020

Amid the Arab/Israeli conflict lies the false narrative that those people living in the West Bank and Gaza are indigenous to that area and are under occupation by Israel. Our guest, Paul Lambert, AKA P.L. Edwardsson, takes issue with this perception in his book “There’s No Such Thing as a Palestinian.”

Joining Robert Vaughan to discuss Paul’s book is Salim Mansur, Professor Emeritus of Political Science at Western University.

Paul’s book is available at Amazon in both paperback and Kindle editions.

Nov 302019

Audio as broadcast on WBCQ

Peer pressure may be partly what is behind the firing of Don Cherry from Sportsnet’s Coach’s Corner.

The current cultural hegemony of the left prohibits any dissent or disagreement and even television executives, it seems, are not immune to its destructive force.

They either lack the inner strength to resist the societal tide or they lack the intellectual vocabulary to defend what is right.

Of course, there is always the other option and that is that they actually share the prevailing philosophy of ‘cancelling’ any objection to the order of things.

Whatever their reason for taking Grapes off the air, these people are poltroons and Cherry’s term “cuckaloos,” fits them to a T.

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632 – Cherry pickin’ – Top picks about the Don Cherry controversy

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Nov 212019

Don Cherry

It’s remarkable what such an innocuous phrase as ‘you people‘ can tell us about we people.

The termination of Don Cherry‘s career over his concern – and the way he expressed it – about how so few people in Canada today wear poppies on Remembrance Day was less a story about Cherry than about the growing intolerant mindset of Canadians.

This intolerance is particularly applicable to those obsessed with race, open border immigration, and virtue signalling.

The associative train of thought, along with a complete abandonment of context that was necessary to condemn Cherry as a racist and a xenophobe is both outrageous and irrational. According to the logic, ‘you people’ = ‘immigrant’ = ‘people of color’ = ‘racism and xenophobia’ – and whatever else one may subjectively wish it to mean. Continue reading »

The fountainhead of our despair | The Danielle Metz Show 079

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Nov 132019

Audio as broadcast on WBCQ

Politics may be downstream from culture but culture gets its notions and ideas from academia. If this is so then we are headed for disaster both culturally and politically.

Join Danielle and Robert as they connect the dots from a raving university debating professor who wins his debates by shouting profanities at his opponents to the latest terrible incarnation of Star Trek to the gong show that is the Democratic presidential nomination debates.

While most political and cultural trend lines today are pointing down, to locate the source, the fountainhead, of this frightening trend, look up to the ivory towers… and despair.

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The monopolization of feminism | The Danielle Metz Show 076

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Oct 132019

Audio as broadcast on WBCQ

Toymaker Hasbro has entered the cultural war against reason and women with the introduction of Ms. Monopoly—a board game variant of Monopoly. In this newest incarnation of the favourite table-top diversion, we have women players paid more than male players and getting more money when they pass Go.

Danielle and Robert explain how this cultural phenomenon of supposedly helping the feminist cause by treating women as victims and unable to succeed without assistance is detrimental to women, detrimental to society, and an assault on common sense itself.

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