684 – Safety first, tyranny next

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Dec 102020

Confronted with outrageously ridiculous, contradictory, arbitrary, and just plain silly COVID rules and regulations, it should be self-evident to anyone who understands even the basics of how a virus spreads that these rules are simply irrational. Though they use the label against those fighting for freedom, the real ‘covidiots’ are those who continue to wear face masks in the belief that this practice has something to do with preventing the spread of a virus.

By now they should have figured out that mask mandates are merely part of a propaganda campaign to make masks the visible reminder to everyone that there even is a pandemic. After all, without the masks (and accompanying media propaganda), how would anyone know? Especially since there is no evidence of any pandemic.

Nevertheless in an altruistic chorus, the ‘covidiots’ favoring the lockdowns and restricting freedom insist that it’s ‘safety first’ and that everyone should be forced to wear a mask.

Problem is, unless it’s ‘freedom first,’ then freedom simply does not exist – and never can. And sadly this describes the current political and social condition in all jurisdictions that have sacrificed freedom on the COVID altar of ‘safety first.’

In an unfree society, no one is ever safe, particularly from the threat of state reprisals for failing to obey the restrictions on individual freedom. History demonstrates that only when a democracy consistently puts ‘freedom first’ can conditions ever be Just Right for anyone’s safety – whether from a virus or from the state.

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Dec 032020

The irrational fear that has gripped so many over the possibility of catching a relatively harmless virus defies the official evidence. In Canada, as of November 15, a total of 10,947 deaths were officially attributed to COVID-19 since the beginning of the ‘pandemic.’ Of that number, 10,781 occurred in long-term homes. That means, that from coast-to-coast, only 166 deaths attributed to COVID-19 occurred outside of long-term care homes.

More alarmingly 9,886 of those deaths occurred in Ontario (3,329) and Quebec (6,557). That means that only 895 COVID-related deaths across Canada occurred outside of those two provinces. (And this assumes the validity of statistics already tainted by previous government admissions that COVID-19 ‘deaths’ include deaths caused by other health conditions.)

On November 15, these statistics were openly displayed on the mainstream CTV News, which shortly thereafter removed them from their archived copy of the original broadcast. It is clear that the mainstream media does not want to accept the narrative that these statistics demand.

The statistics made it clear that were it not for the day-in day-out steady drone of mainstream media propaganda about COVID-19, the average person would never know that there was any unusual health problem at all. And ironically, 2020 has thus far demonstrated that “deaths from all causes” are among the lowest in Canada for many years. Continue reading »

682 – Fascist Ford: Ontario’s Premier COVID case

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Nov 262020

In the name of COVID-19, the Ontario government has been hard at work terrorizing its residents into a perpetual state of fear and compliance. Ontario Premier Doug Ford and his Progressive Conservative Party have made it clear that they are fascist to the core.

With fascist zeal, Ford has repeatedly threatened to “pull the trigger” and “drop the hammer” and that, because of “rising case numbers,” Ontarians will be “staring down a barrel” – ironically, of the very ‘gun’ that Ford is pointing at them.

And “pull the trigger” he did on November 20. Instead of confirming or celebrating the high SARS CoV-2 ‘case’ counts as evidence of the long-sought herd immunity against COVID-19 (which is what increased ‘case’ counts actually represent), Doug Ford and his Progressive Conservative Party opted to terrorize Ontarians into herd submission.

“No indoor private gatherings will be permitted with anyone outside your household,” fascistically ruled Ontario Minister of Health Christine Elliott. “Religious services and weddings will be restricted to ten people indoors and ten people outdoors.”

The latest lockdowns announced by Ford’s government are proof positive that his is a globalist agenda, an agenda which is itself fascist. The lockdowns and restrictions are both unconscionable and immoral. Continue reading »

680 – Trump’s road to victory over election fraud

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Nov 122020

In the aftermath of the November 3 American election, U.S. president Donald Trump has been openly censored by mainstream and social media alike. Why? For announcing that election fraud played a major role in the election outcome.

This kind of censorship is simply unprecedented in American history. But more significantly, it is also evidence that Trump’s assertion is correct.

Democrats had long ago announced their intentions to reverse their own predicted Trump “landslide” victory on election night – by adding ballots for Biden to the vote count after that landslide became apparent. And this is exactly what happened.

Naturally, the mainstream media, being the key and leading component of the election fraud, is outright denying that any such fraud exists. Continue reading »

676 – Socialist distancing and the loneliness of the collective

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Oct 152020

It should come as no surprise that a system called ‘socialism’ would ultimately prove to be anti-social. In Canada just before the Oct 12 Thanksgiving holiday, bureaucrats and officials at every level of government issued advisories that families avoid indoor gatherings in their own homes, going so far as to claim that “Saying ‘no’ to friends and close ones is an act of love.”

The advisories were accompanied by additional targeted lockdowns, which not coincidentally is precisely what simultaneously happened in England, Ireland, Australia, and other European nations.

Far from being an “act of love,” these continually changing advisories, lockdowns, and perpetual propaganda campaigns (all citing meaningless increases in COVID ‘cases’ while hospitalizations and deaths have flat-lined) are in fact acts of terrorism. The continually changing and highly irrational regulations are clear evidence that fascism has taken deep root.

Rules and regulations can change within hours of a previous edict. Citizens have been denied all due process. Police are confronting citizens for freely associating or for not wearing masks, armed with an unjustifiable authority to issue outrageous and immoral fines and penalties, along with arrests and jailing. Continue reading »

674 – Religiously defending freedom in revolutionary times

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Oct 012020

Two Roman Catholic priests in the United States have ignited a controversy not only within their own church, but on the worldwide stage as well. Father Robert Altier (Crystal, Minnesota) and Reverend James Altman (La Crosse, Wisconsin) each expressed views to their congregations that contradicted the official Left narrative on two of the most sensitive issues to the Left: continuation of the COVID-19 lockdowns and the coming presidential election.

Altier’s sin was to proclaim that “we have been lied to” about the COVID-19 shutdowns, while Altman’s sin was to suggest that one can not be Catholic and also vote for the Democratic Party.

The controversy puts a spotlight on the unjust way Christian groups in particular have been targeted and prevented from free assembly, while public assemblies by groups on the Left are openly supported, aided and abetted. It has also exposed a philosophical conflict within the religious community that parallels that of the broader general community. Each faces its own polarized environment pitting Left against Right.

Perhaps consequently, and on a positive note, both the secular and religious Right are discovering that they have more politically in common than not. At the root of their commonality is the philosophy of freedom, a value shared by those who acknowledge that every individual has a free will and the right to exercise it.

The sooner they begin working together politically the better. Because in the end the only forces that can stop this fascist political pandemic are those that are Just Right.

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671 – The necessary polarization of Left and Right—Define or be defined

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Sep 102020

When people object to political “polarization,” what they’re really objecting to is the right to politically disagree. Since all such disagreement is by its nature polarized, this objection itself represents a polarized political position – of the Left. It’s not surprising then that the Left-dominated mainstream media doesn’t want the world to know just how much growing opposition there actually is to the world-wide COVID-19 lockdown measures.

At least two million-plus protesters filled the streets of Berlin Germany on August 29, yet the mainstream media falsely reported their numbers in the low thousands, and dismissed the protesters as “COVID deniers.”

Of course “fake news” is nothing new. Mainstream media has been spreading fake news since the very concept of “news” itself was created. Fake news strives to create the illusion that there is no disagreement with its narrative.

The growing public resistance to the entire COVID-19 “pandemic” lockdowns and forced mask mandates has at last uncovered a political polarity that should not be condemned or resisted but celebrated and embraced.

In the world of politics, ideological electoral options are necessarily binary, leading to a natural polarization of their symbolic terms Left and Right. When objectively and correctly associated with their proper ideologies, the polarized terms of Left and Right can be used as a powerful compass making it possible to steer the ship of state in the right direction.

After all, a political compass must reliably point towards each of the polarized forces of Left and Right before that compass can guide us in the direction that’s Just Right.

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