673 – COVID-19 and Conservatism’s fascist agenda

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Sep 242020

Recent COVID-19 restrictions imposed by Ontario Premier Doug Ford (Progressive Conservative) are alarmingly fascist, a collectivist ideology of the Left. This is no aberration that one can blame on the nature of the proclaimed crisis. Like wolves in sheep’s clothing, Conservative political parties have been dragging their ‘right-wing’ supporters ever leftward for the better part of a century.

In practice, what this means is that the destructive COVID lockdowns and the unhealthy forced wearing of masks will continue to be with us as long as any party of the Left is in power. Since that includes all of the parties sitting in parliament or the provincial legislatures, that means this fascism is our ‘new normal’ for the foreseeable future.

To help prevent any viable electoral representation from rising on the Right, the Left has been popularizing the false association of fascism with the Right, thus positioning fascism as the political alternative to communism/socialism which are already accepted as being on the Left. With fascism falsely occupying the Right (where freedom belongs), that leaves freedom without any polarity, and hence, no position on the political map.

Like all forms of collectivism, fascism is diametrically opposed to individualism, freedom, and capitalism. Conservatives who truly share these values must break their habit of voting for Leftist or ‘progressive’ political parties solely on the grounds that the word ‘conservative’ appears in the name of a party. After all, the word ‘conservative’ itself lacks any consistent definition, and many calling themselves conservative do not see freedom as the standard or ideal of government. Like Ontario’s Doug Ford.

Were any Canadian ‘conservative’ party to ever represent the values of freedom, it would have to do a complete about-face and perhaps for the first time ever take a single step in the direction that is Just Right.

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666 – COVID-19’s ethical cancer – the morality of altruism

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Aug 062020

An end to the COVID-19 pandemic will never be found through some future means of defeating the SARS CoV-2 virus. That’s because the COVID-19 pandemic is a politically orchestrated moral pandemic, not a viral one.

Thanks to continued unnecessary lockdowns, the forced wearing of masks and social distancing rules, we now know that our politicians can force arbitrary and irrational restrictions on us without being held accountable for their actions. But worse, we also now know that there are a great many people not only willing to follow their orders without question, but who are eager to help enforce those orders against their fellow citizens.

This is beyond tragedy. At the root of this acceptance of evil lies a widely accepted belief that these actions can all be justified by altruism. “If it only saves one life, it’s all worth it.”

This is a demonstrably immoral argument. For any society this represents an ethical cancer, which just like any cancer if left unchecked eventually destroys the host body. No society can possibly survive on the irrational principle of self-sacrifice.

Nor can any number of COVID-19 ‘model projections,’ or slogans insisting that “we’re all in this together,” possibly justify the suicidal path taken by our politicians and health care officials.

Their prescriptions, all based on unethical manifestations of the Left, have been designed to defeat human nature itself. What’s required is a moral prescription that’s Just Right – one that defends human nature instead of attempting to defeat it.

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641 – Freedom Forward – Philosophy’s indispensable role in determining the Right Direction

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Feb 132020

There is a widespread belief – particularly among advocates of freedom and capitalism – that individual freedom and individual rights will spontaneously emerge if nations gradually adopt various forms of capitalism, freer markets, and/or more private economic initiatives. Yet, many socialist, fascist and communist jurisdictions have done exactly this, but nevertheless remained socialist, fascist or communist. While their economies may have become more ‘efficient,’ their people still do not enjoy individual rights, having ironically been turned into ‘slaves’ of a state-directed economic ‘efficiency.’

Additionally, there is a certain ‘literalism’ on the philosophic front, with many freedom advocates rejecting the best political alternative on the basis of some kind of philosophical impurity or inconsistency on the part of a given politician or party.

This is dangerous thinking, and can lead to unwarranted feelings of futility, frustration, and cynicism regarding political action in general. It is an affliction that most affects those on the Right, and is in part responsible for the continuing ascendancy of the Left and the erosion of our freedoms. Continue reading »

640 – Uncommon Laws – Britain exits the European Union

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Feb 062020

Take ten freedom-loving people, put them in a room in front of some microphones, and what do you get? Our first ever ‘Freedom Panel,’ sharing views on Brexit, climate change, and a mutual frustration with the lack of rational philosophies in politics.

At long last, Brexit has become a reality. But that development reflects a long-established British history and philosophy that has always been incompatible with that of the European nations. For that reason, many have regarded Brexit as inevitable. Founded on individualism rather than on the European collectivism that has brought the continent to disaster on repeated occasions, Britain can now once again forge its own political destiny, freed from the control of Brussels.

With the good news on the Brexit front, it’s too bad that politicians continue to ring the bells of climate alarmism, pretending to talk about the weather when what they’re trying to prevent changing is the climate of collectivism.

Ironically, it is the growing politics of populism that is beginning to demonstrate an effective defense against collectivism’s ills. Even so, many individualists and supporters of political freedom remain opposed to a populism that they see as being unprincipled. But is populism really an obstacle to freedom, or is it an opportunity for rational principles to once again become part of the political playing field?

Though our panelists have many differing perspectives on this question and other issues, one thing you can always count on is a discussion that will be Just Right.

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634 – The black and white truth about lying

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Dec 052019

Generally, when most people object to lying, they think about themselves being lied to – or lied about – and consider lying to be a moral indiscretion. They rarely see themselves as being the liar, nor do they consider how they might even unwittingly or unconsciously be lending credibility to a lie told, whatever its source or intent.

A ‘lie’ is defined as “an untrue statement made with the intent of deceiving; a falsehood; that which creates or is intended to produce a false impression.” (Funk & Wagnalls)

Note that the definition, per se, does not necessarily imply any form of criminal or immoral objective; it merely defines a lie as being a statement that does not represent the reality of a given situation or fact.

Even among the Ten Commandments there is none commanding that “Thou shalt not lie.” However, specific forms of lying are indeed implied in the eighth and ninth commandments, which command that “Thou shalt not steal,” and “Thou shalt not bear false witness.” Continue reading »

Nov 142019


Government control in the field of economics is nothing new to humanity. Central planning, wage and price controls, taxes, stimulus spending, social safety nets, trade restrictions, regulations, crony favoritism – these have all long been assumed to be among the normal and accepted functions of government.

In 17th century France, recognizing that wealth had to be produced before it could be taxed, the king’s (Louis XIV) chief adviser Colbert was told “Laissez-nous faire” (let us alone) after asking the business community what the king could do to stimulate ‘economic growth’ in the nation. That phrase has come to symbolize and describe the nature of a free market.

Indeed, no matter what the form of government – whether an absolute monarchy or a free society based on individual rights – the creation of wealth is fundamental for any society to survive. In the attempt to create such wealth, various forms of forced labor and production have throughout history been the primary means by which the state-controlled economies approached that challenge.

For Western societies, all that changed with the discovery and emergence of capitalism over the past two centuries or so. Under the condition of ‘laissez faire,’ (capitalism), more people than ever before were able to lift themselves out of poverty, thanks to the unprecedented wealth that could be created in a market relatively free from government coercion and control. Continue reading »

603 – Socialism’s many facades

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Apr 112019

Bernie Sanders

It has recently been announced that Donald Trump’s 2020 re-election campaign will focus on “exposing socialism,” a welcome objective to be sure, but no easy task.

Socialism appears in a myriad of forms, many individual components recognizable, yet with socialism’s greater destructive ideology remaining invisible to its victims.

For example, few would recognize socialism in government efforts to ‘fight climate change.’

To ‘fight climate change,’ governments have imposed what they call a ‘carbon tax’ or a ‘price on carbon’ – citing ‘carbon pollution’ as something that needs to be eliminated in order to keep the climate from changing. Continue reading »