687 – The Great Awakening versus the Great Reset

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Dec 312020

With two conflicting COVID-19 narratives squaring off against each other in an information war, a new polarity is emerging: a ‘Great Awakening’ versus the ‘Great Reset.’

Increasingly more people are awaking to the reality that a false viral pandemic has been intentionally exploited as a propaganda weapon to promote the ‘Great Reset.’ Unfortunately, too many still exist in a zombie like trance induced by a hypnotically repetitive ‘mainstream’ narrative insisting that the viral pandemic is real, thus justifying all the lockdowns and controls.

This represents a direct threat to everyone’s freedom and begs the question: Is it possible to generate a ‘great awakening’ among those behaving like zombies?

Being confronted with evidence that completely shatters one’s understanding of a given situation often causes a condition called ‘cognitive dissonance.’ Thus, even though many have come to accept that the mainstream narrative about COVID is false, they nevertheless continue to comply or be agents of that narrative. Continue reading »

682 – Fascist Ford: Ontario’s Premier COVID case

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Nov 262020

In the name of COVID-19, the Ontario government has been hard at work terrorizing its residents into a perpetual state of fear and compliance. Ontario Premier Doug Ford and his Progressive Conservative Party have made it clear that they are fascist to the core.

With fascist zeal, Ford has repeatedly threatened to “pull the trigger” and “drop the hammer” and that, because of “rising case numbers,” Ontarians will be “staring down a barrel” – ironically, of the very ‘gun’ that Ford is pointing at them.

And “pull the trigger” he did on November 20. Instead of confirming or celebrating the high SARS CoV-2 ‘case’ counts as evidence of the long-sought herd immunity against COVID-19 (which is what increased ‘case’ counts actually represent), Doug Ford and his Progressive Conservative Party opted to terrorize Ontarians into herd submission.

“No indoor private gatherings will be permitted with anyone outside your household,” fascistically ruled Ontario Minister of Health Christine Elliott. “Religious services and weddings will be restricted to ten people indoors and ten people outdoors.”

The latest lockdowns announced by Ford’s government are proof positive that his is a globalist agenda, an agenda which is itself fascist. The lockdowns and restrictions are both unconscionable and immoral. Continue reading »

673 – COVID-19 and Conservatism’s fascist agenda

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Sep 242020

Recent COVID-19 restrictions imposed by Ontario Premier Doug Ford (Progressive Conservative) are alarmingly fascist, a collectivist ideology of the Left. This is no aberration that one can blame on the nature of the proclaimed crisis. Like wolves in sheep’s clothing, Conservative political parties have been dragging their ‘right-wing’ supporters ever leftward for the better part of a century.

In practice, what this means is that the destructive COVID lockdowns and the unhealthy forced wearing of masks will continue to be with us as long as any party of the Left is in power. Since that includes all of the parties sitting in parliament or the provincial legislatures, that means this fascism is our ‘new normal’ for the foreseeable future.

To help prevent any viable electoral representation from rising on the Right, the Left has been popularizing the false association of fascism with the Right, thus positioning fascism as the political alternative to communism/socialism which are already accepted as being on the Left. With fascism falsely occupying the Right (where freedom belongs), that leaves freedom without any polarity, and hence, no position on the political map.

Like all forms of collectivism, fascism is diametrically opposed to individualism, freedom, and capitalism. Conservatives who truly share these values must break their habit of voting for Leftist or ‘progressive’ political parties solely on the grounds that the word ‘conservative’ appears in the name of a party. After all, the word ‘conservative’ itself lacks any consistent definition, and many calling themselves conservative do not see freedom as the standard or ideal of government. Like Ontario’s Doug Ford.

Were any Canadian ‘conservative’ party to ever represent the values of freedom, it would have to do a complete about-face and perhaps for the first time ever take a single step in the direction that is Just Right.

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671 – The necessary polarization of Left and Right—Define or be defined

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Sep 102020

When people object to political “polarization,” what they’re really objecting to is the right to politically disagree. Since all such disagreement is by its nature polarized, this objection itself represents a polarized political position – of the Left. It’s not surprising then that the Left-dominated mainstream media doesn’t want the world to know just how much growing opposition there actually is to the world-wide COVID-19 lockdown measures.

At least two million-plus protesters filled the streets of Berlin Germany on August 29, yet the mainstream media falsely reported their numbers in the low thousands, and dismissed the protesters as “COVID deniers.”

Of course “fake news” is nothing new. Mainstream media has been spreading fake news since the very concept of “news” itself was created. Fake news strives to create the illusion that there is no disagreement with its narrative.

The growing public resistance to the entire COVID-19 “pandemic” lockdowns and forced mask mandates has at last uncovered a political polarity that should not be condemned or resisted but celebrated and embraced.

In the world of politics, ideological electoral options are necessarily binary, leading to a natural polarization of their symbolic terms Left and Right. When objectively and correctly associated with their proper ideologies, the polarized terms of Left and Right can be used as a powerful compass making it possible to steer the ship of state in the right direction.

After all, a political compass must reliably point towards each of the polarized forces of Left and Right before that compass can guide us in the direction that’s Just Right.

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660 – Original Skin – the politics of racism

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Jun 252020

Black Lives Matter (BLM) is an avowedly racist, fascist, nihilistic, violent and terrorist movement, yet most of its followers claim to be against these things. This should not be surprising since the mainstream media keeps repeating that BLM is opposed to racism. But ‘fighting racism’ is not BLM’s objective; in fact, fueling the fires of racism is the very tactic that allows BLM to advocate anarchy and violence with minimal resistance.

Destroying the capitalist system and instituting a Marxist form of state control is the openly declared goal of BLM’s leaders. “I’m not here to peacefully protest. I’m here to disrupt until my demands are met. You cannot rebuild until we break it all down – by any means necessary! A response to violence is not violence itself.” So proclaimed one of BLM’s leaders in defense of the violent protests and riots.

What makes the whole spectacle so disturbing is that these open threats of violence and the inherent racism fueling the protests themselves are not being adequately identified and condemned.

Perhaps that’s because too many good people have become paralyzed by the evil ideology that drives groups like BLM: we call it ‘Original Skin’, a racist version of ‘Original Sin.’ This doctrine holds that one can be proclaimed guilty of actions and events that occurred before one’s birth – based on the color of his/her skin! How much more racist can you get? Yet this is what BLM’s leaders keep demanding.

Particularly for white people who must bear the ‘white guilt’ demanded by BLM, the fear of not only being labeled racist, but of losing one’s job for the expression of any opinion opposing BLM creates the psychological terror that protects BLM from criticism and moral condemnation. But as commentator Glenn Beck recently lamented regarding the lack of voices speaking out against the chaos, “silence is consent.”

In that light, let us be reminded of the principle that “to those who consent, no injustice is done.” Like it or not, that’s Just Right because it is true and the truth is ultimately inescapable.

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643 – Canada’s crisis: from alienation to alien nations?

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Feb 272020

Canada is in crisis. In many ways, that crisis is similar to that faced by the European Union and its recent loss of Britain as a constituent member of that union.

In this, the second part of our conversation with Dr Salim Mansur, professor emeritus of political science at Western University, we discover that the fluid dynamics of the nation-state can easily lead to alienation ‘within’ nations. When interests and common values once shared instead become a source of conflict and cause for national divisions, the resulting alienation may lead to the literal formation of alien nations.

Given the rise and fall of the nation-state throughout history, it is clear that nations are far more fragile than most people generally perceive. The temporary duration of the various political structures under which humankind has been governed or ruled throughout history merits due consideration.

After having considered the state of the unions known as Britain, Europe, and America, our attention now turns to Canada, the country that many consider to be the ‘odd man out’ with regard to the most recent political shifts in the Anglosphere. Continue reading »

641 – Freedom Forward – Philosophy’s indispensable role in determining the Right Direction

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Feb 132020

There is a widespread belief – particularly among advocates of freedom and capitalism – that individual freedom and individual rights will spontaneously emerge if nations gradually adopt various forms of capitalism, freer markets, and/or more private economic initiatives. Yet, many socialist, fascist and communist jurisdictions have done exactly this, but nevertheless remained socialist, fascist or communist. While their economies may have become more ‘efficient,’ their people still do not enjoy individual rights, having ironically been turned into ‘slaves’ of a state-directed economic ‘efficiency.’

Additionally, there is a certain ‘literalism’ on the philosophic front, with many freedom advocates rejecting the best political alternative on the basis of some kind of philosophical impurity or inconsistency on the part of a given politician or party.

This is dangerous thinking, and can lead to unwarranted feelings of futility, frustration, and cynicism regarding political action in general. It is an affliction that most affects those on the Right, and is in part responsible for the continuing ascendancy of the Left and the erosion of our freedoms. Continue reading »