Nov 042021

It’s remarkable how many people still think that because someone is a ‘capitalist’ that he or she is a supporter of ‘capitalism.’ But it just ain’t so.

Capitalists come in all flavors and shades of political preferences and one might be justified in saying that ‘capitalism’ is on the bottom of their preferred list. The confusion between these two terms – ‘capitalist’ and ‘capitalism’ – has caused incalculable damage to our basic understanding of a free society.

Take for example Saskatchewan Dr Francis Christian who has recently gained attention arguing that the world is currently suffering under a “tyranny of capitalism.”

The good doctor is fighting the good fight towards his goal of establishing that ‘informed consent’ be mandated in matters regarding one’s personal health. Yet he has labeled the only known social system based on consent ‘tyranny.’

In so doing, his fear that there are no good forms of government – only a choice between the “tyranny of communism” and the “tyranny of capitalism” – becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Continue reading »

Oct 142021

On February 2, 2013, Australian politician Ann Bressington delivered a haunting speech at the Adelaide Convention Centre as part of the Lord Monckton Launch. She warned that Agenda 21 is “about controlling every aspect of our lives,” and that “fear of an environmental crisis will be used to create a world government.”

Alarmingly, in citing Agenda 21’s depopulation agenda, she warned: “Another goal of the depopulation process is that the upcoming generation will submit to sterilization to save mother earth.” And with that sentence Bressington connected the dots between ‘fighting climate change’ and ‘mandated vaccinations,’ both Agenda 21 strategies to depopulate the planet and establish a single world government.

It is now 2021, the targeted year of Agenda 21, and the depopulation agenda is well under way. It’s surprising how many people still believe that Agenda 21 is only a ‘conspiracy’ theory. Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees! Continue reading »

Oct 072021

Hate is alive and well within Canada’s mainstream political parties and media, and mandated vaccination passports have made this socially acceptable.

Expect an onslaught of hate against the Right to be intensified over the coming months ahead. The increased popularity of the People’s Party of Canada (PPC) following the Canadian election has triggered the likes of Canada’s prime minister Justin Trudeau to publicly deliver an unconscionable hate rant – against the so-called ‘unvaccinated’ – unlike anything ever heard from a Canadian prime minister.

Despite the visible tidal wave of deaths and ‘adverse’ reactions to the so-called ‘vaccines’ being mandated by governments everywhere, Trudeau nevertheless continues to mandate the poisonous concoctions. But with adverse reactions expected to reach astronomical proportions over the months ahead, those pushing the ‘vaccines’ can’t hide forever.

Like globalists everywhere, our political tyrants have gotten themselves backed into an unresolvable disaster of their own making. Their chosen recourse now is to look for scapegoats on which to project their failures, hatreds, and sheer immorality.

Outrageously, and against all the evidence, they are blaming the unvaccinated for causing the harms done by their mandated ‘vaccines.’ For the ‘vaccinated,’ the catch-22 is that even they will be categorized as being unvaccinated after an established number of months; perpetual ‘booster shots’ are on the horizon, and promised freedoms will never materialize. Papers, please.

The so-called vaccine passports serve as passports to the politics of hate and are a means to divide and conquer both sides of the vaccine issue. Of course, the issue of ‘hate’ is less about hate itself, but about ‘what’ or ‘who’ that hate is being directed against. The irony and paradox about hate is that the Left considers it Just Right to hate a Right that represents freedom, tolerance, and respect.

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Election 44—Decision time | Salim Mansur

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Sep 152021

Professor Salim Mansur offers us his thoughts on the current Canadian election. An election at a time where Canada’s leading political ideology has become unrecognizable to him.

He sees hope, however, in the dramatic rise of the People’s Party of Canada led by Maxime Bernier.

Jack Minor – People’s Party of Canada candidate – Beauséjour

 Globalism, Latest, Political Parties, Politics, Video  Comments Off on Jack Minor – People’s Party of Canada candidate – Beauséjour
Aug 292021

Taken down from YouTube for talking about the truth we present here on Rumble Robert Vaughan of Just Right Media in an open and frank discussion with People’s Party of Canada candidate for Beauséjour, Jack Minor.

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Aug 262021

“Don’t forget to take your vitamins today. I took mine but they won’t work unless you take yours.” Silly, yes. But such is the non sequitur being used to promote and mandate dangerous ‘experimental’ injections into the arms of every man woman and child on the face of the planet.

The cognitive dissonance required to accept this kind of logic as a reason to ‘get a jab’ or to sacrifice one’s individual freedom is a subject that deserves our attention, especially since a significant portion of the population actually thinks this way. Many of them would not see the humor in our opening ‘vitamin’ example.

For those who still don’t get the joke, taking vitamins (or any medicines) works for the person taking them even if no one else takes vitamins. Seriously. That’s actually a fact. Similarly, getting vaccinated works for the vaccinated even if no one else gets vaccinated. Seriously. That’s what being ‘vaccinated’ means. Otherwise, it’s not a vaccine.

Not only that, but being ‘vaccinated’ means being vaccinated ‘against’ something. Yet, according to the manufacturers of the injections themselves, the so-called ‘Covid’ vaccines do not even protect against ‘Covid’ or prevent the spread of any viruses that may cause ‘Covid.’ Still, despite these glaring admissions, there are people who take the jab under the exact opposite expectation, oblivious to what they have been told.

But the cognitive dissonance doesn’t end there. Many take the ‘vaccine’ in the hope of regaining some limited freedom of mobility. But again, officials have already told us in no uncertain terms that whether vaccinated or not, mask wearing, lockdowns, and more forced ‘vaccinations’ will continue unabated. Consider the sheer lunacy of it all. Continue reading »

717 – Conspiracies—from theories to facts

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Jul 292021

No longer ‘theories’ but facts, the ‘Covid’ conspiracy and the ‘stolen election’ conspiracy have now been documented and verified by objective means. And with these facts, the ‘great awakening’ begins to accelerate at a pace not yet seen – which also accounts for the acceleration of the conspirators who insist that every person on the planet must be injected with their experimental ‘gene therapy’ posing as a vaccine.

The greatest evidence of the ‘great awakening’ is not to be found in plain sight, but in the massive resistance against so-called ‘vaccinations’ now directly being challenged by the conspirators themselves.

“It never occurred to me after three highly effective vaccines were developed in under a year, that we’d have difficulty getting Americans to take the shots,” lamented Republican In Name Only (RINO) Mitch McConnell, “but that’s obviously where we are.

“These shots need to get in everybody’s arm as rapidly as possible,” he insisted, “or we’re gonna be back in a situation in the fall that we don’t yearn for, that we went through last year. The way to defeat getting back into the position we were last year is to get vaccinated.” Continue reading »