714 – Trump versus the culture of tyranny

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Jul 082021

Both Canada and the United States recently celebrated their respective ‘birthdays’ as nations: July 1 (Canada Day / Dominion Day) and July 4 (Independence Day). Each nation shares a common British heritage, one that allowed the emergence of freedom and individual rights creating what we broadly refer to as Western culture.

Sadly, each nation also shares a common enemy: those who promote an evil ‘cancel culture’ ideology based on revisionist histories of pure fiction. Evil to the core, ‘cancel culture’ promotes racism at every opportunity, opposes capitalism, freedom, individualism, and is in essence a death cult. It is the political face of the Left.

As with everything on the Left, ‘cancel culture’ represents an absence, a vacuum, a ‘nothingness’ based on nihilism. Thus it bears reminding that cultures are never ‘cancelled,’ but replaced. No nation or people can exist in a cultural vacuum because culture is the ‘glue’ that binds individuals to a given collective, for better or worse.

So the question begs asking: what specific culture is the one ‘replacing’ our culture of freedom? The evidence glaringly suggests that it is the Communist culture of China – a culture of tyranny. Continue reading »

712 – The grasshopper and the squirrel—a modern day history lesson | Salim Mansur

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Jun 242021

It is often said that we never seem to ‘learn from history.’ Perhaps in today’s context it can be further argued that it is impossible to learn from history given that history is being re-written to reflect a past that just wasn’t so.

This false depiction of history has been described as part of the so-called ‘cancel culture’ movement, a movement that has adopted all of the evils of the collectivist regimes defeated in World War II. Indeed, the history of the Western nations since the defeat of Hitler and the Nazi regime in 1945 reflects a philosophical shift towards the very collectivism that was fought against.

In the Western world today, our governments are openly adopting Marxist ideology under the guise of ‘equity,’ ‘racism,’ ‘white supremacy,’ ‘climate change,’ and even of fighting a viral pandemic. What all these seemingly unrelated issues have in common is that they are manufactured crisis designed to expand the power of the state at the expense of individual freedom.

How did we get here? That’s the question our guest Salim Mansur addresses as he describes Marx’s binary notion of the oppressor and the oppressed, a false notion that continues to be accepted as grounds for the destruction of individual freedom.

The parable of the grasshopper and the squirrel illustrates this lesson from history, suggests Salim. Continue reading »

Jun 172021

Talk about an adverse reaction! If there’s one clear message Canadians should take away from the arrest of Maxime Bernier last week in Manitoba, it is that the entire COVID lockdown is all about political ideology – and nothing else.

As the leader of an officially-registered federal political party in Canada – the People’s Party – Bernier’s status rivals that of the many elected politicians who routinely and openly defy lockdown mandates while demanding that others obey them. Yet these politicians are never forced to face the consequences of their actions, and the hypocrisy of their forcing citizens to obey restrictions that they themselves do not obey has far passed the point of intolerable.

Though only kept behind bars for approximately eight hours, the fact that Bernier was specifically locked up for opposing lockdowns makes his case all the more arresting. Astoundingly, the corporate mainstream media has barely mentioned the arrest, if at all, while those who are aware of these events have been referring to them as among the ‘darkest’ days in Canada’s history.

Politically, Canada is a sick nation, having succumbed to the irrationality of the Left. Whether Liberal, Conservative, New Democrat, or Green, all parties support continued lockdowns, mask mandates, and above all, universal ‘vaccinations’ that have killed and injured more people than any other vaccine in the entire accumulated history of vaccines. All parties, that is, except the People’s Party of Canada.

Given the political nature of the lockdowns, we should not be surprised by the fact that those consistently fined, charged, or arrested for violating ‘health orders’ have exclusively been those who are Just Right.

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706 – The bio-logic of bio-warfare—overwhelming us with the evidence

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May 132021

To suggest that the so-called ‘COVID vaccines’ are a bio-weapon and/or a population control ‘therapy’ is still considered by most an outrageous conspiratorial theory that only deserves dismissal – not because the theory is unsupportable in fact, but because it is simply unthinkable and too horrifying to accept.

That very reaction demonstrates that those who are attacking Western civilization know exactly what they are doing, and how to disarm their intended victims. They have successfully blinded people to the evidence by drowning them in that evidence.

The continuing failure of most people to understand that what they are experiencing today is not about any viral pandemic is a testament to the success of the propaganda war that parallels the physical one. Even as people question the irrationality and contradictory nature of the lockdowns and police state tactics, they cannot accept the conclusion that their own observations lead them towards.

As they drown in the evidence, most refuse to see what is drowning them. Worse, they have become their own enemies as well as a weapon ‘of’ their real enemies, particularly if they have allowed themselves to be injected with any of the ‘gene therapy’ variants.

Grasping the big picture is an uncomfortable experience, especially when doing so reveals a picture that is terrifying. And the fear of this knowledge is for many greater than their fear of lockdowns and of a viral ‘pandemic.’

But denial has never cured any disease nor ended any pandemic. Unless more people come to accept the evidence of their own senses and draw the conclusions that they know to be Just Right, what they fear today will pale in comparison to what awaits them tomorrow.

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UNDRIP and the perversion of rights | Ron Vaillant

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Apr 132021

Western nations are committing cultural and national suicide if they adapt their laws to conform to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). Canada is leading the race to oblivion as a nation-state as all major political parties are pushing through legislation (Bill C-15) that will give the globalists in the UN everything they are asking for.

Our guest Ron Vaillant is one man trying to bring attention to the proposed legislation. He makes it clear that even though the Canadian media are, for the most part, ignoring it, this is perhaps the biggest issue in the country, an issue that will have devastating results for all Canadians for generations to come, forever altering the very structure of our government and the foundation of our nation.

This video is also available on our Rumble channel here.

701 – Fear no evil—Make evil fear you

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Apr 082021

Many of those driving globalist lockdown agendas have been described as psychopaths, sociopaths, or just plain evil. There is plenty of evidence to support all three descriptions. But how is one to judge those who follow and support the tyrannical measures devised by this handful of deranged collectivists?

The concept of evil has been portrayed and described in many ways and in differing cultural contexts. Presented as attractive and appealing, evil always depends upon the willing consent of its victims. It is often not recognized until it is too late for the victim to do anything about it.

Of course, in any objective sense, evil must be understood to refer to those human thoughts and actions that lead to the intentional destruction of the self or others. With Life as the standard of the Good, Death becomes at once the symbol, the objective, and the consequence of the moral vacuum that creates Evil itself.

History has demonstrated that the desire to rule and control the lives of others is invariably evil. Yet this evil persists and can be found in the collectivist agendas promoted behind the facades of fighting ‘climate change,’ flu viruses, and various social and economic ‘inequities.’ But these fictional agendas have been created to altruistically justify the real agenda. Continue reading »

Apr 012021

“History is made by minorities – or, more precisely, history is made by intellectual movements, which are created by minorities. Who belongs to these minorities? Anyone who is able and willing to actively concern himself with intellectual issues.” – Ayn Rand

Along with their global counterparts, Canadian politicians have become willing collaborators in a plan to establish global fascism. Leading the charge is Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, an avowed admirer of totalitarian government. As a globalist himself, Trudeau does not represent Canadians but instead represents a small group of evil individuals who have made no secret of their plans to destroy the West and all Western values.

Canadians are reliving a very familiar political pattern in history, not unlike that of the Vichy government in France during the last world war. Then, as now, the greatest weapon threatening the fascist German government was freedom of speech – and the power of the ideas being spread by those in the resistance.

“The battle of human history is fought and determined by those who are predominantly consistent, those who, for good or evil, are committed to and motivated by their chosen psycho-epistemology and its corollary view of existence,” observed Ayn Rand. Continue reading »