697 – Questioning authority in an authoritarian dystopia

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Mar 112021

“Question authority before authority questions you.”

Let’s hope that it is not too late to apply these words of wisdom in the authoritarian dystopia that has descended upon us under the pretense of protecting us from a virus. Sadly, there is a substantive portion of the population that not only refuses to question authority, it openly welcomes authority – an authority without accountability.

That would be tragic enough, but many of these authoritarians refuse to allow others to question authority. It’s a prescription for generating fear and blind obedience.

Benjamin Franklin warned that “It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority” while Albert Einstein noted that “Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth.” Continue reading »

691 – First installment: Joe Biden’s stolen presidency | Salim Mansur

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Jan 282021

Joe Biden’s assumption of the presidency on January 6 was no ‘inauguration’ but an ‘installment’ insists professor emeritus of political science (University of Western Ontario) Salim Mansur.

In the wake of a stolen election backed by evidence witnessed by millions, the legitimacy of Biden’s presidency is simply not accepted by a probable majority of Americans. Election fraud aside, the real majority can be seen in the contrast between the huge crowds supporting Trump’s constitutional challenge following the November 3 elections and the near zero support for Biden, whose agenda is to destroy the constitutional principles upon which America was founded.

The legitimacy of any presidency depends upon the consent of “we the people” explains Salim, and right now it is the deep state and not the people that is in charge of the American government. Given the court’s refusal to apply the principles and provisions that would have constitutionally resolved the disputed election results, America’s electoral process can no longer be trusted as one capable of reflecting the will of “we the people.”

Trump’s January 6 departure from the White House marks the end of a period in which Americans and the world at large were awakened to two major realities: ‘fake’ news and ‘fake’ elections. While the mainstream ‘fake’ news media continues to deny either reality, the so-called ‘deep state’ also continues to push its globalist agenda. Continue reading »

Jan 142021

The inexplicable frenzy with which the Democrats continue to fear and harass Donald Trump belies their claim to any legitimate electoral victory. Whether one believes that Donald Trump has conceded the presidency or whether he can still take action to retain office, America’s political danger moving forward concerns an issue that transcends the presidency itself.

America’s democracy is in crisis due to electoral fraud that – in effect – uses bullets to invalidate ballots. Beyond the electoral fraud itself, another one of those ‘bullets’ is the mainstream media that to this day continues to manufacture a false narrative about events at the Capitol on January 6. Added to a daily barrage of fake news constituting the core of a massive fraud, many have been led into supporting anti-Trump narratives that are completely false, something they may not have done in light of the truth.

Because force and fraud are two means by which to obviate consent, such actions are normally considered criminal – but apparently not in politics. Thus a key electoral question needs to be resolved: shall we resort to ballots or bullets?

In a sense, it can be argued that every ballot is ‘backed by a bullet’. Because when votes are cast for government representatives, it must never be forgotten that force is what they are governing.

The ultimate moral and electoral choice facing us is, as always, a binary one. We must choose between voting to use the ‘bullet’ of government as a tool to violate the rights to life liberty and property, or voting to use it as a means to defend those principles in a manner that is Just Right.

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Civil War | Salim Mansur

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Jan 112021

“A civil war has broken out” asserts Professor Emeritus Salim Mansur. It is the deep state, the swamp, against the legitimate President of the United States, Donald Trump.

While the fog of war still lies over Washington since the events of January 6th, 2021, it’s anybody’s guess how this will all play out. There is precedence, however, that Trump has every right, as did President Lincoln long before him, to wage war against those operatives of the Deep State, including Speaker, Nancy Pelosi who have tried, illegally, to overthrow him and his Presidency.

688 – The great reckoning

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Jan 072021

Agenda 21. The Great Reset. Perpetual political lockdowns. Electoral fraud. A stolen U.S. election. COVID-19 scandals. Mandated masking. Social distancing. Tracing and tracking. Forced vaccinations. China’s dictatorship. Trudeau’s dictatorship. Communism. Fascism. Globalism.

Two things these issues all have in common is that they are related to Agenda 21 and they are evil, which begs an examination of the morality of the people behind them. In fact, it begs an examination of human nature itself.

About all these and more, there will commence a great reckoning in the year 2021. Any ‘great reckoning’ involves a forced ‘realignment of reality’ with one’s perception of it, and that can often be a painful experience.

For example, one experiences a great reckoning when, after having made great sacrifices to help prevent a virus from spreading, it is discovered that a declared ‘pandemic’ was in reality just a distraction created to get everyone to submit to a series of experimental and untried ‘vaccines.’ And that too, is but one element of a much greater Agenda 21.

Given the multiple forces directed against the West – and in particular against Donald Trump and the United States – we are living in dangerous revolutionary times. 2021 appears that it will be far worse than 2020 in terms of any expectations of normalcy or individual freedom. This may sadly force a great reckoning upon many requiring the acceptance of tyranny and state control over every aspect of personal life.

However, a truly ‘great’ reckoning can only occur by acknowledging that when it comes to Agenda 21 and the Great Reset, nothing is Just Right, and it’s up to us to do something about it.

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682 – Fascist Ford: Ontario’s Premier COVID case

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Nov 262020

In the name of COVID-19, the Ontario government has been hard at work terrorizing its residents into a perpetual state of fear and compliance. Ontario Premier Doug Ford and his Progressive Conservative Party have made it clear that they are fascist to the core.

With fascist zeal, Ford has repeatedly threatened to “pull the trigger” and “drop the hammer” and that, because of “rising case numbers,” Ontarians will be “staring down a barrel” – ironically, of the very ‘gun’ that Ford is pointing at them.

And “pull the trigger” he did on November 20. Instead of confirming or celebrating the high SARS CoV-2 ‘case’ counts as evidence of the long-sought herd immunity against COVID-19 (which is what increased ‘case’ counts actually represent), Doug Ford and his Progressive Conservative Party opted to terrorize Ontarians into herd submission.

“No indoor private gatherings will be permitted with anyone outside your household,” fascistically ruled Ontario Minister of Health Christine Elliott. “Religious services and weddings will be restricted to ten people indoors and ten people outdoors.”

The latest lockdowns announced by Ford’s government are proof positive that his is a globalist agenda, an agenda which is itself fascist. The lockdowns and restrictions are both unconscionable and immoral. Continue reading »

Nov 082020

Professor Emeritus, Salim Mansur suggests that the questionable outcome of the 2020 US Election is the result of four years of an elaborate sting operation conducted by the Democratic Party with the help of deep state operatives and a complicit media. This carefully orchestrated plan to discredit sitting President Donald Trump has resulted in what could very well be the end of the Republic.

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