Sep 112024

The term ‘Non Player Character’ (NPC) is widely understood to refer to those characters in a video game who are not controlled by a player, but are pre-programmed automated features of the game. In the world of politics, NPCs are voters who automatically follow the herd, without considering the fundamental principles or issues behind a given election in which they are voting. In other words, most voters.

Also referred to as ‘low information voters,’ NPCs have correctly come to be seen by many as a significant cause of America’s radical drift to the Left. But the problem is not the fact that NPCs exist and participate in the electoral process; it is that they tend to vote Left by default.

For those on the Right, it is tempting to want to correct the voting ‘process’ in the hopes that this will halt or reverse the slide into tyranny. To be sure, having an honest voting process is a positive and necessary objective, but it must never be forgotten that whether we get ‘good’ government or whether we get ‘bad’ government depends on the people and parties we elect.

Complicating matters is the fact that electoral politics by its nature compels the voter to vote for a ‘person,’ not necessarily for an idea, ideology, or policy. That’s why during political campaigns, politicians tend to attack the messengers rather than the messages. For the NPCs in the political herd, politics is thus reduced to a cult of personalities devoid of issues or substance. Continue reading »

Sep 042024

For those on the Right, the alliance between Donald Trump and Robert F Kennedy Jr. has produced both a sense of optimism and of foreboding. That such an alliance would even be deemed necessary is a testament to the serious nature of America’s political crisis.

“We are entering very stormy waters,” warns Salim Mansur, who says he is more worried today going forward, particularly given the recent failed assassination attempt against Trump.

His heightened concern is justifiable. Knowing that a Trump-Kennedy alliance terrifies those on the Left, and knowing that the Left does not abide by established civilized principles of democracy, “stormy waters” are indeed ahead.

The Left has already demonstrated that it prefers ‘bullets to ballots,’ both domestically and abroad. “We are on a war footing,” warns Salim, “and the Democratic Party is full out for war.” Continue reading »

Aug 282024

While the Democratic National Convention was being hailed as an ‘electric’ event by Democrats, the real ‘elect trick’ was being pulled off by Robert F Kennedy Jr and Donald Trump. With Kennedy’s announcement that he would be endorsing Donald Trump in the November elections, whatever wind had gathered behind the Democratic sails was instantly dissipated.

“The DNC manufactured a surge of popularity for Harris based on nothing,” Kennedy announced on August 26. “Who needs a policy when you have Trump to hate?”

While Harris may not have any policies, she and the Democratic Party do nevertheless pursue an ideology based on the politics of envy.

“We fight for equality but we also need to fight for equity because not everybody starts out at the same place” proclaimed Kamala Harris. “You understand some people need more.” Continue reading »

Aug 262024

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s decision to suspend his campaign and support Trump in the swing states marks a momentous shift in American politics.

His castigation of the Democratic Party as a party of “war, censorship, corruption, big pharma, big tech, big ag, and big money” has all but gutted Kamala Harris’ chance to become President.

Professor Salim Mansur of Western University joins Just Right Media’s Robert Vaughan to discuss this historic decision by Kennedy to put county before party.

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Aug 212024

It is a sad fact that the vast majority of people have no idea what either socialism or capitalism actually are. However despite this shortcoming, most have some vague association regarding the moral justification for each.

Generally, most associate socialism with an altruistic philosophy of caring for others, and capitalism with selfishness, greed, and exploitation of others. Both of these viewpoints are false, and both emanate from the ideology of the Left.

Just as most are unaware of the nature of either socialism or capitalism, they also are unaware of the person who was primarily responsible for creating their false conceptions of each: Karl Marx.

Karl Marx was a loser in regard to every aspect of what it means to be human. In his image, he created the religion of Marxism. “It’s crucial to see Marxism as a religious architecture, not an economic theory,” warns Professor James Lindsay. And as reported by TIKhistory, “Karl Marx was brought up in mainstream religion instilling him with an altruistic morality.” Continue reading »

873 – The politics of envy—the anti-capitalist mentality

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Aug 142024

Politics has earned a negative reputation among the populace, owing not to the nature of politics per se, but to the nature of the majority who are drawn to politics and political office. Regrettably, when it comes to most politicians, they have often been described as being lazy, envious, entitled, and/or incompetent. Most significantly, they oppose capitalism and all that it represents.

That’s because capitalism is an economic condition that naturally arises within a free society. By definition, capitalism is an economic condition under which force, coercion, fraud and theft are prohibited by law, and under which all economic transactions are voluntary. Under capitalism, the government is a referee, not a player on the economic board within its jurisdiction.

The anti-capitalist mentality expresses itself in a number of ways.

“It’s sick and twisted that I have to work, just to live my life,” complained one young poster on Tic Tok. To him, this was an injustice, to be corrected by others freely providing him with the basic necessities of life while not having to offer anything in return. It is to this envy, laziness, incompetence, and sense of entitlement that so many politicians and their policies cater. Continue reading »

872 – From Marx to Jefferson—Epicurious about Epicurus

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Aug 072024

When a philosopher has been said to influence everyone from Karl Marx to Thomas Jefferson, it bears taking note, particularly given the polarized political zeitgeist in which we currently find ourselves. One such philosopher was Epicurus (341-270 BC), perhaps best known as an advocate of ‘the simple life’ as the path to happiness.

So naturally, we became ‘epi-curious’ about Epicurus given that the right to the ‘pursuit of happiness’ is a founding principle of a free society. What we discovered was that ‘happiness’ itself is an incredibly polarized concept, a polarization that can also be seen in terms of the political Left and Right. This perhaps partially accounts for the differing narratives and interpretations regarding Epicurus’ history and philosophy.

For example, given the contrast between the motivations of Karl Marx and Thomas Jefferson, it should not be surprising that each interpreted the philosophy of Epicurus in equally contrasting ways. Were Epicurus alive today, how he himself might have viewed their Epicurean narratives is certainly a subject open to discussion.

According to one source regarding the Greek philosopher: “Epicurus promoted the following worldview: the universe is made of atoms and void and subject to the laws of physics without divine intervention. The world can be understood through an empiricist epistemology, and pleasure, pursued intelligently and ethically, is the goal of life.” Continue reading »