Ukraine—Neocon’s war against Russia | Salim Mansur

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Jul 022022

Since the end of WWII, a number of international laws and treaties have been created among nations to allow for a more peaceful, if not orderly world. Albeit with many exceptions, these rules of conduct have served the world well. We have enjoyed an extended period of relative peace and have avoided another world war. This sense of security seems to be coming to an end as the West now faces possible military engagement with both Russia in Ukraine and Communist China in Taiwan.

How did we arrive at this point? Since at least the 1960s plans have been formulated and implemented to pave the way for a one-world government led by the United States in a grand hegemony of tyranny marked by corruption, censorship, the surveillance state, and Malthusian population control.

We were warned that this might happen by Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy who, while not knowing precisely what form these nefarious plans might take, knew that it was a distinct possibility that the Military-Industrial Complex could be used with evil intent and on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas we discovered just how patently evil these people could be.

It is no longer a secret that there is a cabal of advisors orchestrating successive military campaigns throughout the globe of which Ukraine is but the latest.

The greatest opposition the cabal faces in its grand scheme is from countries like Russia which stubbornly adheres to a historic sense of national pride and which warned that it would not tolerate any attempts to alter that perspective.

In a direct challenge to any who would oppose them we have seen callous rogues like Johnson, the Bushes, Clinton, Obama, and a group of neoconservative policy advisors, take that once moral and enviable of nations, the United States of America, and transform it into a juggernaut of death and destruction.

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Canada—Vassal state of the globalists | Salim Mansur

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Jun 172022

Is Canada a nation in its death throes or a nation yet to be born? Given that we’ve never truly been an independent mature nation because of our history we may still be in the process of our political birth as an independent nation, maybe not the one we expected. Or maybe Canada is a tragedy that will never reach its potential because its political parents are in the process of aborting their political child of freedom. Or worse, that Canadians themselves are committing national suicide.

These questions, posed by Bob Metz on the June 2nd episode of Just Right are answered by our guest, Professor Salim Mansur of Western University who revisits Canada’s history from the 1759 Battle of the Plains of Abraham through to the Truckers’ Convoy of 2022.

In the final analysis, he concludes, that Canada is and has been a vassal state—a nation dependent on others for its well-being. Prior to WWII, it was Great Britain. From WWII until the end of the Cold War it was the United States. And since then, Canada continues to be a vassal state of the Globalist neocons in Washington in league with the EU and the World Economic Forum. Continue reading »

761 – Canada’s foreign rationale on foreign policy | Salim Mansur

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Jun 022022

In light of the history and status of Canada in the geopolitical world conveyed by our guest Salim Mansur, Canada’s current involvement in Ukraine makes it clear that its foreign policy has not been crafted in the interests of Canadians.

Without any due process or public debate, the Canadian government has joined the United Nations’ globalist effort to cause a “regime change” in Russia. “Putin and his henchmen are war criminals,” outrageously declared Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, in projecting her own culpability in supporting Ukraine’s neo-nazis onto Putin.

Canada has no legitimate role in Ukraine that serves either the interests or security of Canadians. Worse, Canada is supporting the true war criminals in the Ukraine conflict. Without a clearly defined foreign policy that puts Canada first, suggests Salim, Canada will be forever acting in the interests of a globalist agenda.

It seems that “foreign to reason” may be the simplest way to describe Canada’s foreign policy in a way that’s Just Right.

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Canada First—A concept foreign to Canada’s foreign policy | Salim Mansur

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May 242022

Since Confederation Canada’s policies regarding war have always been as a follower; a follower of Mother Britain (Boer War, WWI, WWII), a follower of the United States (Avro Arrow, Bomarc Missile) and a follower of the United Nations (Korea, Cyprus, Rwanda, Balkans…).

During those times it did not join the US in battle—Vietnam and the second Gulf War—it had been because such actions were not sanctioned by the UN.

The current conflict in Ukraine only demonstrates, once again, that Canada does not have a foreign policy which benefits Canadians. Rather, its position is crafted to ingratiate itself to its betters in the United Nations.

In this discussion, Professor Salim Mansur explains that Canada has been living in a globalist fog which prevents it from asserting its own best interests in foreign affairs and from having a “Canada First” foreign policy. Worse, as a “post-national state” without a “core identity” as Justin Trudeau has described Canada, it has no concept of what its national interests even are.

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May 052022

During his tour of Canada’s Maritime Provinces, I was honoured to have a conversation with People’s Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier.

Maxime is perhaps the only Western politician calling for peace and prosperity in Ukraine and asks that the two warring parties continue negotiations to end the conflict.

We also talked about the effectiveness of Canada’s Senate in revoking the Emergencies Act, the defunding of the CBC and an end to all subsidies to media including advertising funds, the irrationality of Justin Trudeau’s and Jagmeet Singh’s measures on travel for those not “vaccinated,” and the prospect for the publishing of his book “Doing Politics Differently.”

This video is also available on Rumble.

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War in Ukraine—Thucydides, Solzhenitsyn, and Lincoln

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Mar 052022

Both Russia and Ukraine have refused to learn the lessons from history and, as a consequence, they are repeating the mistakes of the past.

Our guest, Salim Mansur likens Ukraine to the tiny island of Milos during the Peloponnesian Wars. The rulers of Milos were given the chance, under insurmountable odds, to pay deference to the superior force of mighty Athens and choose life for its people. They chose death.

As for Russia, the historical lesson is how great leaders facing division among their people in the aftermath of war choose to heal those divisions, reconcile differences, and do those things necessary to avoid further conflict. Abraham Lincoln was one such leader. After a bloody civil war and a nation divided. He healed the wounds of war, united North and South spiritually and laid the groundwork for the United States to become a beacon of hope for the world.

As Salim points out, Putin is no Lincoln but after the breakup of the Soviet Union, the opportunity for reconciliation with the former Warsaw Pact nations and the rest of the world including Ukraine still exists.

On the side of the West, Biden is a walking demonstration of the rottenness that is inside America and the rest of the Western world. It remains to Putin to rise to the occasion and learn from the lessons of history.

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748 – Ukraine—in the fog of war | Salim Mansur

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Mar 032022

It is often said that “truth is the first casualty of war.” But it may be more accurate to say that war is a deadly consequence of truth’s absence.

Our guest Salim Mansur seems to confirm this latter perspective. In citing the crisis in Ukraine, he notes that “we are in the midst of the fog of war” a fog caused by the false view of Russia and Ukraine promoted in the fake news media.

It is difficult to overstate or exaggerate the absence of truth in the state-funded ‘mainstream’ media about what is happening in Ukraine today.

Indeed, truth’s absence is that media’s ‘elephant in the room.’ From viral pandemics to climate change, to the police action against the Ottawa Freedom Convoy, to the stolen American election, to Trudeau’s tyranny, to mandated lockdowns and injections, and now to the events in Ukraine, every state media account presents an intentionally false narrative. Continue reading »