To understand why the United States maintains approximately 800 military bases in about 80 foreign countries and has been involved in numerous armed conflicts globally, it’s essential to examine its foreign policy of neoconservatism.
Professor Salim Mansur of Western University provides us with a master class on neoconservatism, tracing its roots back to the influx of Eastern Europeans into the American cultural matrix during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He examines how many of these newcomers and their descendants came to influence U.S. foreign policy, transforming it from the isolationist and benign approach intended by the Founding Fathers to one that is interventionist and belligerent.
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President Donald Trump has made some ambitious promises of reform leading up to his decisive victory on November 5th. Whether or not he is capable of delivering on those promises depends on several factors, including how palatable they may be to the House and Senate, how boldly Trump wields the power he holds as Chief Executive, and the character of those he appoints to his cabinet and inner circle as advisors.
To Make America Great Again, Trump’s greatest ally, however, won’t be in his cabinet or in Congress; it will be the United States Constitution and the principles upon which that great republic was founded.
Here to discuss just how successful Trump’s second term might be is Professor Salim Mansur of Western University in conversation with Just Right Media’s Robert Vaughan.
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Now that Trump has achieved his well-earned electoral victory, expectations will be high for the Trump team to deliver on its agenda. If past experience is any guide, the greatest danger now facing the Right is for a sense of complacency to emerge within its ranks, following a victory presumed to be an end goal.
Too often, many on the Right disengage from the political process after achieving a given political objective. Meanwhile, the Left never ceases to aggressively engage in the political process irrespective of its victories or losses.
It is not for nothing it is said that eternal vigilance is the price of freedom. It is a lack of that vigilance (and understanding) required to protect freedom that has allowed the process of state growth to continue unabated.
Thus the years ahead demand a clear understanding of the nature of what we have all been through, in terms of our governments running amok, constantly creating crisis’, and pushing us to the brink of war. To reverse that trend and to prevent it from repeating, we must correctly identify the cause and process that leads to tyranny.
Towards that end our attention was recently drawn to Murray Rothbard’s Anatomy of the State (1974), in which the classic libertarian defined what the state is and is not, along with the step-by-step process that tyrannical governments universally follow to achieve their sinister ends. It is a process chillingly descriptive of today’s political zeitgeist. Continue reading »
It is ironic indeed that a political party called the ‘Democratic’ Party should be so fundamentally anti-democratic. It has reached the point where Democrats believe that murder, violence and hatred are completely acceptable in the arena of politics and elections. And they brag about it.
In calling for the assassination of Donald Trump, Democrats and others on the Left (which includes many ‘conservatives’ and RINOs) are demonstrating their utter contempt for the democratic process – and for the majority of Americans. Yet they hypocritically accuse Trump of being ‘a threat to democracy.’
Those on the Right who do not believe in murder and violence as a means to achieve an electoral or political victory must resolve the problem of how to possibly defeat an armed and deadly sociopathic political ideology by peaceful means. This is made all the more difficult because those on the Right are handicapped by their own principles and sense of morality. For peacefully working hard to ensure that future American elections will result in accurate and valid vote counts, Democrats and the Left accuse them of ‘insurrection’ and threatening democracy! Continue reading »
From the 19th-century Pale of Settlement, to the writings of Theodor Herzl, the founder of modern Zionism, to the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip, Professor Salim Mansur and Robert Vaughan delve into the significance of Zionism’s history and the establishment of Israel in comprehending contemporary events in the Middle East.
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The spectacle of thousands of political protesters gathering to “fight tyranny” without having a clue as to how this might be done can only lead to continued tyranny ahead. Though accomplished and expert in their own fields of discipline – whether medicine, law, education, journalism, etc. – most of the leading voices in the “freedom movement” are clueless when it comes to the politics of freedom.
It’s one thing to be able to identify the political condition (tyranny) you’re running ‘from,’ it is quite another to identify the political condition (freedom) you must move ‘towards.’ Calls for ‘unity’ or ‘solidarity’ or for ‘political separation,’ or for ‘creating a republic’ or for ‘changing the electoral system’ are not calls for establishing a free society. They are desperate aimless propositions that amount to a clear admission that the protesters really don’t know what must be done.
This is completely understandable. Most people pay no attention to politics until it is too late. Fortunately, one group that has discovered the fundamental principles necessary to the advancement of individual freedom is the Freedom Party of Ontario, established on January 1, 1984.
A brief review of the party’s myriad of successes in changing and affecting the laws of Ontario makes two things clear: (1) that winning individual battles against the deep state and the political parties of the day is doable, if one employs the proper principles and tactics, and (2) that Canada’s tyranny today is no different than it has been for the past half century and longer. In every respect, municipal, federal and provincial governments in Canada were as abusive of their power and authority in the 1980s as they are today.
Protesting against tyranny and oppression certainly has some limited value. But preventing the next wave of tyranny and oppression demands a political discipline currently not seen in the political arena – one ‘for’ freedom, not merely ‘against’ the latest manifestations of state injustice.
The war for freedom can only be won by those who understand and act on the singular set of freedom based principles that are Just Right.
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Comments Off on 844 – The empire strikes out | Salim Mansur
“A republic, if you can keep it.” Benjamin Franklin’s famous response (Sept 1787) to Elizabeth Willing Powel’s question: “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” was as much a warning as it was a description of an ideal America as a state in which the sovereignty resides in the people and the legislative and administrative powers are lodged in officers elected by them.
It is now 2024 and the republic to which he referred no longer exists. Were he alive today Franklin might be tempted to respond with “An empire – if you can defeat it” as the means of both defining the nation and of recovering its republican status.
Our guest Salim Mansur argues that America’s descent from a free republic to a coercive empire was accelerated and completed during the period between the election of Woodrow Wilson in 1912 and the installation of Joe Biden in 2020. “We are now in a post-constitutional America,” he says.
America’s republican status was dismantled thanks to the imposition of the federal income tax, the 17th amendment which “democratized” the election of senators, the establishment of the federal reserve (1913) and other legislation making “America now the world’s biggest threat to individual rights.”
As an empire, America suffers from the “disease of the empire” which Salim describes as a nullification of freedom at home and the coercion of people abroad. Ultimately all empires are little more than military rule.
Despite all of this corruption and power, the good news is that the vast majority of “we the people” has begun to see America and its global empire for what it has become. With world-wide protests and demonstrations against their own politicians, to say nothing of the unprecedented popularity of Donald Trump, the rulers of the empire are beginning to be uncomfortably aware that their empire may soon be struck out.
For that reason, we are in “uncharted waters” when it comes to predicting what the empire’s elites may do to strike back in their state of desperation. It looks like 2024 will be the decisive year in which Americans will choose between living in an empire or in a constitutional republic. So far it looks like they’ll choose to do what is Just Right by striking out an empire and choosing to keep a republic as their home’s base.
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