686 – Agenda 21 and the Great Reset

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Dec 242020

It is still beyond the average person’s ability to come to terms with what is truly happening in the world today. Even as they fall victim to them, mention the terms ‘Agenda 21’ or the ‘Great Reset,’ and most people still think that you’re talking about some kind of crazy conspiracy theory.

Ironically, they are correct, but not in the way they would like to believe. Agenda 21 is indeed based on a crazy ‘theory’ – of global fascism – and Agenda 21 is indeed a conspiracy.

Adding to the confusion is the fact that, though globalist, Agenda 21 is being implemented at the local levels of government where the various components of the ‘agenda’ are unveiled and carried out under a host of differing initiatives and programs. Continue reading »

685 – Vaccines and COVID-19 | doctoring the evidence

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Dec 172020

Missing from the whole ‘pandemic’ discussion from the very beginning have been the voices of those who disagree with the official state narratives. By doctoring the evidence, the mainstream media has successfully presented a monologue instead of a dialogue on COVID-19.

Consequently, the ‘debate’ has become a conflict. Dissenting voices of highly qualified doctors and health care professionals are being continually drowned out by the mainstream media, as many find themselves being outright censored or even fined and imprisoned for speaking out.

The current urgency that governments have created in their haste to administer COVID-19 vaccinations is in part a reaction to the groundswell of resistance from this most qualified and knowledgeable group of people on the topic of viruses and in particular, the SARS CoV-2 virus.

Thousands upon thousands of these doctors from around the world are now uniting in a desperate effort to warn about the extraordinary risks taken by those receiving a ‘COVID-19 vaccine.’ By offering our support to those voices of medical expertise, we confess that we too are ‘doctoring the evidence’ – but ironically in a way that’s Just Right.

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Nov 052020

It is difficult to persuade terrified and fearful people to even see, let alone understand, the real nature of the current pandemic that so paralyzes them – the pandemic of global fascism. Ordered to wear masks in the absence of any viral threat, and worse, in the presence of growing evidence that masks are extremely unhealthy, the vast majority of people still willingly accept their political oppression.

The entire spectacle is indeed a political masquerade of hidden intentions, its acceptance symbolized by the wearing of masks. One wonders if those wearing their masks at the COVID masquerade ball are even remotely aware that they are dancing to the death of their own freedoms.

In today’s political environment, masks are an instrument of pure political submission, and nothing more. And as an increasing number of honest health care practitioners are warning (though rarely heard thanks to censorship), the wearing of masks presents a great potential health risk, far more dangerous than the imagined viral pandemic itself.

The mainstream media, our politicians, and our health care bureaucrats are all pushing a globalist fascist agenda. In tandem, they have done everything possible to keep the public ignorant of the facts and realities behind every aspect of the COVID-19 phenomenon. Worse, they have become the primary agents of spreading false propaganda about COVID-19 and promoting the irrational regulations and rules dreamed up by politicians and bureaucrats intent on ruling us and destroying our lives and economies. And worse still is the blind acceptance – indeed eagerness – of those whose very lives are threatened, to be arbitrarily ruled by others and to have their freedoms permanently extinguished. Continue reading »

Aug 132020

Prohibitions against prescribing hydroxychloroquine to COVID-19 patients is the smoking gun that makes those behind these measures prime suspects in a conspiracy of mass murder never before seen in Western nations.

To add insult to injury, the censorship of those who are eyewitnesses to the crime – front line doctors everywhere – is an act of injustice so profound that it staggers the imagination.

Just ask Dr. Simone Gold, who led a team of doctors speaking out during a Capitol Hill media conference. The conference was removed from various major social media sites, and worse, Dr. Gold was fired for having participated in the conference in the first place.
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666 – COVID-19’s ethical cancer – the morality of altruism

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Aug 062020

An end to the COVID-19 pandemic will never be found through some future means of defeating the SARS CoV-2 virus. That’s because the COVID-19 pandemic is a politically orchestrated moral pandemic, not a viral one.

Thanks to continued unnecessary lockdowns, the forced wearing of masks and social distancing rules, we now know that our politicians can force arbitrary and irrational restrictions on us without being held accountable for their actions. But worse, we also now know that there are a great many people not only willing to follow their orders without question, but who are eager to help enforce those orders against their fellow citizens.

This is beyond tragedy. At the root of this acceptance of evil lies a widely accepted belief that these actions can all be justified by altruism. “If it only saves one life, it’s all worth it.”

This is a demonstrably immoral argument. For any society this represents an ethical cancer, which just like any cancer if left unchecked eventually destroys the host body. No society can possibly survive on the irrational principle of self-sacrifice.

Nor can any number of COVID-19 ‘model projections,’ or slogans insisting that “we’re all in this together,” possibly justify the suicidal path taken by our politicians and health care officials.

Their prescriptions, all based on unethical manifestations of the Left, have been designed to defeat human nature itself. What’s required is a moral prescription that’s Just Right – one that defends human nature instead of attempting to defeat it.

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May 282020

More than being a demonstrated lifesaving treatment in fighting the COVID-19 virus (SARS CoV-2), hydroxychloroquine has now become a symbol of the fundamental political divide regarding the government-mandated lockdown.

Donald Trump’s recent announcement that he is personally using hydroxychloroquine was a direct challenge to negative mainstream media narratives about the drug. It was also a direct attack against those on the Left determined to keep the COVID-19 lockdown in effect for as long as possible, no matter how many people may die or suffer in the process.

In many jurisdictions around the world, it may appear that the COVID-19 pandemic shutdown is slowly ending, but the reality is that it is incrementally being extended – indefinitely – as politicians seek to entrench their recently exercised undemocratic powers over the rest of us. Political threats to repeatedly shut down areas of the economy on the basis of future COVID-19 statistics means that the economy may never be able to recover.

Tragically, at the root of all the shutdown strategies lies a single priority: the protection of healthcare ‘systems,’ a priority placed above that of protecting the lives of the people forced to deal with those systems. When the pandemic began, ‘flattening the curve’ to prevent hospitals from being overrun was the first and only stated objective of the shutdown. Today, the continued rationale for the shutdown is anybody’s guess, as it can change by the hour, and often does. But the priority hasn’t changed even though politicians insist their motivations are based on ‘saving lives.’

By placing the public spotlight on his use of hydroxychloroquine, Trump boldly demonstrated how ‘saving lives’ is not the goal of the mainstream media or the Left. Once again, Trump brilliantly did what was Just Right: he exposed the hypocrisy of those who claim to be motivated by ‘saving lives’ while simultaneously opposed to the use of that which is life-saving.

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655 – Pandemic government and the virus of altruism

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May 212020

On coronavirus, the contrast between what we’ve been told by the official medical establishment and a growing number of front-line health care professionals can no longer be avoided.

In fact, it appears that much of the advice promoted by our politicians and medical bureaucrats is diametrically opposed to that being given by many doctors and virologists directly involved with, and on, the frontlines of the COVID-19 global pandemic. Most confusing are the polarized opinions regarding ‘social distancing’ and the wearing of ‘protective’ masks.

Officialdom says social distancing and physical isolation are necessary to slow the virus, while the ‘front-liners’ say that social distancing and physical isolation actually make people more susceptible, not only to the SARS CoV-2 virus but to a whole host of other viruses and potential diseases.

Officialdom says wearing masks in public is recommended for safety whereas the ‘front-liners’ argue that wearing masks is not healthy for those who wear them. This practice, too, can lead to one becoming more vulnerable to all viruses. Continue reading »