Nov 222023

Bin Laden

Following the Oct 7th Hamas Massacre in Israel, there has been an increase in awareness among many young people about Osama bin Laden’s “Letter to America,” a manifesto which was published 14 months after the 9/11 attacks on America.

Most of these young individuals were too young to recall the events of that day, which occurred 22 years ago. Indeed, many were not even born. In a sense, they might be forgiven for their ignorance of Bin Laden’s encyclical and the surrounding causes and effects of Al Qaeda’s actions. However, upon learning about why bin Laden killed almost 3,000 civilians, it should be clear to most with a conscience, that there is no justification for his heinous deeds.

In his lengthy missive, Bin Laden addresses two main questions: why he attacked and what he expects Americans to do in response. He claims that America attacked first, referring to the United States’ ongoing military engagements—the so-called Forever War. This constant interference in the affairs of other nations, unrelated to America’s existential concerns, serves primarily to sustain the Military Industrial Complex. For those shocked by the revelations on platforms like TikTok, this should serve as a wake-up call.

Bin Laden’s answer to the second question is straightforward: submit to Islam or face death. In this episode, we delve into the perplexing reactions of young Americans who are only now awakening to history and discovering the malevolence within the minds of Islamists willing to kill men, women, and children for their beliefs. As Bin Laden chillingly stated, “(We) desire death more than you desire life.

This chilling admission from a mass murderer in his Ex Post Facto Manifesto is no different from the manifestos left behind by others seeking redress for perceived wrongs through violence.

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835 – Evil is not a mental illness

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Nov 162023


Steven Crowder’s disclosure of the manifesto by Audrey Hale, the Covenant School shooter, has prompted some to label such heinous acts as the very definition of mental illness. However, categorizing evil solely as a mental disorder or abnormal dysfunction serves as an excuse rather than a proper understanding.

Evil deeds stem from a deliberate suspension of one’s consciousness and a rejection of critical thinking. Every individual has the potential for wrongdoing, influenced by their upbringing and the circumstances that shape their moral compass.

The Hamas Massacre on October 7 in Israel highlights that the conditions for evil exist in all people. It is only through a conscious decision to think and an act of will can we overcome the inclination to react violently to those we disagree with or those we’ve been conditioned to hate.

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Oct 262023

In the information and propaganda war that always accompanies a physical war, maintaining the narrative is key to winning both. Today’s confusion reigning around the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is completely understandable, and has a deliberate cause.

It also has had a desired effect, observed mainly in the international moral outrage against the “terrorist Hamas” from the Right, and in international moral support for the “resistance movement Hamas” from the Left.

Disturbingly, these emotionally charged public reactions could easily be interpreted as benefiting either side of the conflict, leaving open the question of a “false flag” operation on the part of Israel – particularly in light of its open border and lack of response during the invasion on October 7.

Worse, in the din of the “this is Israel’s 9/11” chorus, one cannot help but reflect on the fact that 9/11 itself is now understood to have been a false flag event, calculated to initiate a war in the mid-east.

While it may seem callous to downplay the unspeakable atrocities committed on the Gaza strip, to do otherwise is an invitation for more of the same. After all, the very purpose behind the “shock and terror” violence is to manipulate we the people.

For those in the conflict, what matters most is controlling the narrative, and the question of whether or not the reported acts of terrorism are real, imagined, manufactured or some combination thereof is secondary. What is necessary is to have the desired narrative believed and accepted by as many as possible in order to justify yet another battle in the greater global conflict increasingly being recognized as World War III.

In order to make sense of the latest conflict a good place to start is by recognizing World War III is not a war between nations; it is a war within nations. The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is but the latest example of a fate that awaits all nations who fail to do what’s Just Right when dealing with what’s Left in their midst.

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833 – Multiculturalism—and the normalization of fascism | Salim Mansur

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Oct 192023

“When you cannot define something, it has no identity,” asserts our guest Salim Mansur in a statement that strikes at the heart of all politics and human rationality.

At question is the term “multiculturalism.” Salim has been calling it a “Delectable Lie” which is also the title of the book he wrote to repudiate that lie and to distinguish the natural social condition of “multi ethnicity” from the contradictory and undefinable concept of “multiculturalism.”

“Culture” describes a human collective based upon a set of commonly shared values. “Ethnicity” describes an individual, based on physical characteristics, language, religion, social tradition, and/or nation of origin, etc.

And while it is valid to say that a group of individuals sharing the same ethnicity and values can be called a “culture,” the same cannot be said about a multiple “group of cultures.” This is contradictory.

For example, if “two or more cultures” were said to share the same set of values, then by definition we would still be dealing with a single culture (i.e., Western culture). But if two or more cultures with widely differing and opposing values were to be grouped under a single identity, calling such a grouping a “culture” is an absurd contradiction because it completely invalidates the concept and definition of “culture.”

Hence, “multiculturalism” – the “ism” being key to the true nature of the concept (political), and of those who would promote it (politicians). Given the globalist agenda to destroy cultures and nationhood, the anti-concept “multiculturalism” was invented to accommodate and perpetuate a contradiction destructive to all real cultures. That contradiction is the real reason why the term can never be defined objectively.

Consequently, defining the term has been left to the subjective whims of the politicians forcing their destructive contradiction upon society, an agenda that by its nature is fascist. Thus by the simple acceptance of the term “multiculturalism” fascism itself has become normalized within the liberal cultures originally founded to prevent that from happening.

Fortunately, Salim’s warning against multiculturalism comes with a singular remedy that’s Just Right: “E pluribus unum” (Out of many, one).

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Multiculturalism—Gateway to chaos | Salim Mansur

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Oct 162023

United Kingdom Home Secretary Suella Braverman, along with other Western leaders, has shared concerns about multiculturalism, viewing it as a policy which has failed Western society. She sees it as a policy that has unintentionally led to the creation of isolated communities, where people live lives parallel to the rest of society, often challenging the institutions and laws of their host countries to promote their own collective and tribal goals.

In Canada, where multiculturalism is an official policy, we’ve witnessed the outcomes of significant, unrestricted immigration. People are bringing with them the collectivist influences of their own cultures. Whether it is the Khalistani separatists, Ukrainian Nazis, or Hamas supporters, to name but a few, the official endorsement of multiculturalism has permitted such groups to contributed to a cultural gap between the foundational classical liberal culture of the West and tribal sentiments and passions of less liberal societies.

Salim Mansur, professor emeritus at Western University, sheds light on this concerning political trend. Twelve years ago, he expressed his scholarly perspective in Delectable Lie: a liberal repudiation of multiculturalism. His views then as well as now, serve as a cautionary reminder of the potential chaos tied to the shortcomings of multiculturalism as a policy.

This video is also available on our Rumble, BitChute, and Odysee channels.

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832 – Perpetual wars—perpetual denials

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Oct 122023

“The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous.” – George Orwell

Over the past week, the world’s attention has been shifted from the “war” in Ukraine to a “war” in Israel. In a matter of days, everyone’s attention shifted from the previous week’s frenzy about Canada, Russia, Ukraine and the Nazis in our midst (including Jewish Nazis), to yet another event calculated to engender global sympathy for Israel and the Jewish people.

What is happening in Israel today is directly connected to events in Ukraine; any attempt to isolate one event from the other is to fail to understand that World War III is already well under way.

“Distant history will view all of these wars as nuances, concluding that Wars I, II, and III were really one catastrophic conflict with time out for rearmament and recruitment,” suggests Bill Whittle in his recent review of wars past and present.

War is not the greatest evil to fear. It is the condition of tyranny that results when collectivism rules instead of individualism, which has been the default condition under which most of humanity has lived since the beginning of recorded history.

It is a sad reality of history that the number of people killed in wars fought against foreign enemies is utterly dwarfed when compared to the number of people killed, murdered, and enslaved by their own rulers and governments. In this context, wars are mere flash points of a given tyranny running into resistance, more often from another tyranny than from any popular or democratic resistance. Hence, perpetual wars.

In the Western nations, tyrannies have been hastened with the consent of the people, a consent that does not necessarily mean agreement or support – just cooperation and compliance.

Too many have failed to resist or to speak out against a growing tyranny when the opportunity still exists. In the classic “I see nothing – I hear nothing – I know nothing” expression of denial popularized in the 1960s television series Hogan’s Heroes, most “say nothing” – even in the face of outrageous injustices and horrors.

Despite this, governments are doing all they can to silence the few voices that dare to speak out in an effort to prevent those voices from being heard by others. The antidote to tyranny, and therefore to war, is to ensure that a critical mass of people “see something, hear something, and know something” that is Just Right – and then act accordingly.

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Oct 052023

Canada’s unconscionable support of the most corrupt and evil regime on the planet – Ukraine – is consistent with its federal parliament having unanimously given two standing ovations (on September 22) to one of the most evil Nazi war criminals on the planet – Yaroslav Hunka.

So why is the Canadian parliament now pretending to be so embarrassed about honoring this Nazi, while simultaneously speaking with moral righteousness and pride about honoring another Nazi – Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy?

More significantly, why is Canada so determined to support an openly Nazi regime responsible for unspeakable and reprehensible acts of murder terrorism and torture in Ukraine for many years now?

Our guest Salim Mansur offers a deeply uncomfortable response to these questions, forcing a discussion of one of the most taboo subjects anywhere. Taboo, because the reality of “Jewish Nazis” has become universally denounced as a contradiction in terms, and there are interests who want to keep that myth alive. As a safe haven for thousands of unvetted Nazis since the end of WW2, Canada is home to many of these interests, which explains much of the motivation behind Trudeau’s hatred of the Russians.

When Putin originally announced that he intended to “de-Nazify Ukraine” he was being quite literal and precise about the nature of the conflicts there. If Salim’s prediction that Putin will soon be “flinging the evidence (of Nazi criminality) in the face of the Western world” should come to pass, then the next move to take that would be Just Right is to “de-Nazify Canada.”

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