Apr 012021

“History is made by minorities – or, more precisely, history is made by intellectual movements, which are created by minorities. Who belongs to these minorities? Anyone who is able and willing to actively concern himself with intellectual issues.” – Ayn Rand

Along with their global counterparts, Canadian politicians have become willing collaborators in a plan to establish global fascism. Leading the charge is Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, an avowed admirer of totalitarian government. As a globalist himself, Trudeau does not represent Canadians but instead represents a small group of evil individuals who have made no secret of their plans to destroy the West and all Western values.

Canadians are reliving a very familiar political pattern in history, not unlike that of the Vichy government in France during the last world war. Then, as now, the greatest weapon threatening the fascist German government was freedom of speech – and the power of the ideas being spread by those in the resistance.

“The battle of human history is fought and determined by those who are predominantly consistent, those who, for good or evil, are committed to and motivated by their chosen psycho-epistemology and its corollary view of existence,” observed Ayn Rand. Continue reading »

698 – Speaking conservatively about conservatives and freedom | Salim Mansur

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Mar 182021

The Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) is nowhere to be seen on the freedom front. Yet, freedom-loving conservatives repeatedly vote for – and are routinely disappointed by – this party that has ever moved Leftward and is now virtually indistinguishable from the Liberal Party of Canada.

“Are conservatives stupid?” That’s just one of the uncomfortable questions fielded by our ‘conservative’ guest Salim Mansur, professor emeritus of political science at the University of Western Ontario.

At a time when the coronavirus tyranny continues unabated, massive protests against lockdowns and other controls on personal association similarly continue unabated. But these protests are being directed against the very politicians and political parties keeping everyone locked down – namely, every party in parliament.

Having no effective representation on the political front, the voices of freedom may be heard, but not heeded, and are indeed condemned. As the official opposition in Canada, the CPC has offered no opposition to the Liberal fascist agenda, despite the party’s name. And with the word ‘conservative’ in the party name, who can blame unsuspecting conservative initiates from voting for ‘their’ party? Continue reading »

The Conservative Party of Canada—Enemy of freedom | Salim Mansur

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Mar 082021

“Conservatism is based on the writings of Edmund Burke and his American defender, Russell Kirk, and is not an ideology but an attitude towards life and politics, a state of mind or thinking, a manner of living, a commitment to an ideal that is rooted in history, a respect for tradition and faith and community on the basis of accepting that there is sacredness in life and living which transcends an individual in his time and place and, therefore, continuity of institutions through which public life is mediated is important and from this, it follows that while change is a given as part of nature and is natural conservatives do not make of change a fetish to be sought or desired for the sake of change.” ~ Salim Mansur

With this definition of conservatism as a foundation, Professor Salim Mansur demonstrates, in his conversation with Just Right Media’s Robert Vaughan, that the Conservative Party of Canada has, at least since Prime Minister R.B Bennett in the 1930s, not been an organization created to defend individual liberty and the ideals of conservatism, but rather a political machine that has usurped the name of conservatism and acted as a firewall to individual freedom.

Mar 042021

In the political polarity of Left and Right, the Left represents a condition of tyranny and collectivism while the Right represents the condition of freedom and individualism.

It is tragic that so many who support freedom and individualism recoil from being labeled ‘Right,’ or otherwise avoid any political label entirely. It is tragic because such people have handed an epistemological victory to the Left, one that makes it nearly impossible to politically move in the Right direction – towards freedom instead of away from it.

Compounding the tragedy is the reason why most people are unaware of the correct Left-Right polarity as described above. There is a clear history demonstrating that it was those on the Left who contrived the false communism-fascism polarity of Left and Right. They succeeded in having this model taught in schools where they could indoctrinate people to believe that the political ‘spectrum’ places communism on the Left and fascism on the Right. But this is not so, and to believe so has tragic consequences for anyone who values freedom.

Why? Because missing from the Left’s political ‘spectrum’ model is any place for freedom and individualism, two political ideals diametrically opposed to both communism and fascism. The ‘spectrum’ model also creates the illusion of an imaginary ‘center’ or ‘middle of the road’ where one must be positioned to be at the greatest distance from each ‘extreme.’ Continue reading »

Feb 042021

Few in Canada associate their health care system with tyranny or totalitarianism. Yet Canada’s failing state health care has played a major role in the nation’s descent into tyranny. Instead of providing health care, our governments have been subjecting us to an orchestrated campaign of health scares, all calculated to justify the establishment of a police state.

To demonstrate this, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has ordered the arbitrary imprisonment of individuals as part of his Great Reset agenda. After announcing a series of outrageous and irrational ‘covid’ restrictions concerning Canadians returning to Canada on international flights, it soon became clear that his edicts, even when obeyed, are irrelevant.

Already, we have seen that anyone can be arrested, locked in prison, and be given no reasons, no recourse, no compensation. It makes no difference whether or not individuals comply with Canada’s fascist ‘covid’ orders or not. That’s because the government’s agenda is utterly unrelated to any ‘pandemic.’

To execute that agenda, police in Canada are now serving a fascist state, not Canadian citizens. Examples of police arresting and jailing peaceful citizens for a host of arbitrary reasons are legion – and Canadians have little recourse. There are simply no words available to adequately condemn both the police and the politicians who are giving them their orders.

Canada ceased being a truly free nation many decades ago, but few noticed because most Canadians eagerly traded their freedom for a false sense of security. Universal state-funded single-payer health care was the bait, and Canadians swallowed it. Today it is a system that – in a declared effort to ‘flatten the curve’ – has become an instrument of their political imprisonment. Continue reading »

691 – First installment: Joe Biden’s stolen presidency | Salim Mansur

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Jan 282021

Joe Biden’s assumption of the presidency on January 6 was no ‘inauguration’ but an ‘installment’ insists professor emeritus of political science (University of Western Ontario) Salim Mansur.

In the wake of a stolen election backed by evidence witnessed by millions, the legitimacy of Biden’s presidency is simply not accepted by a probable majority of Americans. Election fraud aside, the real majority can be seen in the contrast between the huge crowds supporting Trump’s constitutional challenge following the November 3 elections and the near zero support for Biden, whose agenda is to destroy the constitutional principles upon which America was founded.

The legitimacy of any presidency depends upon the consent of “we the people” explains Salim, and right now it is the deep state and not the people that is in charge of the American government. Given the court’s refusal to apply the principles and provisions that would have constitutionally resolved the disputed election results, America’s electoral process can no longer be trusted as one capable of reflecting the will of “we the people.”

Trump’s January 6 departure from the White House marks the end of a period in which Americans and the world at large were awakened to two major realities: ‘fake’ news and ‘fake’ elections. While the mainstream ‘fake’ news media continues to deny either reality, the so-called ‘deep state’ also continues to push its globalist agenda. Continue reading »

690 – Fascist Ford’s lockdown ideology

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Jan 212021

It is utterly hypocritical for Ontario Premier Doug Ford to suggest that “There is no room for political ideology in our fight against COVID-19″ when his entire approach to the fraud has been ideological from the beginning.

That was just a small part of Ford’s response to MPP Roman Baber (York Centre), whose January 15 letter to Ford dared to conclude: “The Lockdowns aren’t working. They are killing lives instead of saving lives. I plead with you to accept this reality and end the Lockdown.”

Unfortunately, accepting reality has never been a part of Ford’s lockdown ideology. In an irrational response to Baber’s well-reasoned case and request to end the lockdown, Ford expelled him from his caucus.

“Effective immediately, Mr. Baber will no longer be sitting as a member of the PC Caucus and will not be permitted to seek re-election as a PC member,” announced Ford. Continue reading »