The term ‘Non Player Character’ (NPC) is widely understood to refer to those characters in a video game who are not controlled by a player, but are pre-programmed automated features of the game. In the world of politics, NPCs are voters who automatically follow the herd, without considering the fundamental principles or issues behind a given election in which they are voting. In other words, most voters.
Also referred to as ‘low information voters,’ NPCs have correctly come to be seen by many as a significant cause of America’s radical drift to the Left. But the problem is not the fact that NPCs exist and participate in the electoral process; it is that they tend to vote Left by default.
For those on the Right, it is tempting to want to correct the voting ‘process’ in the hopes that this will halt or reverse the slide into tyranny. To be sure, having an honest voting process is a positive and necessary objective, but it must never be forgotten that whether we get ‘good’ government or whether we get ‘bad’ government depends on the people and parties we elect.
Complicating matters is the fact that electoral politics by its nature compels the voter to vote for a ‘person,’ not necessarily for an idea, ideology, or policy. That’s why during political campaigns, politicians tend to attack the messengers rather than the messages. For the NPCs in the political herd, politics is thus reduced to a cult of personalities devoid of issues or substance. Continue reading »