Jun 192024

“Is Europe turning far right?” That question is being asked by many commentators both in social media and in the mainstream media itself. Concluding that the the recent results in the European Union parliamentary elections represent a “conservative Red wave and a move to the Right,” expectations are high that the tide of tyranny is finally reaching an end.

Aside from the inconvenient fact that conservatism is associated with the color blue, and not red, one can never be certain what values most people associate with the Right. The same uncertainty presents itself regarding the association of conservatives, libertarians and Objectivists with the Right. One of the problems with the terms Left and Right is that to most people, these terms are not associated with definitive ideas but simply represent political opposition.

It’s safe to say that virtually all those on the Left are globalists, even if they are unaware of that term. They idealize a ‘nation-less’ world as some kind of utopia, utterly oblivious to the horrifying reality of that idea. Disappointingly (and surprising to some), conservatives, libertarians, and even Objectivists have many representatives and factions promulgating Leftist objectives and ideals, particularly globalism and an end to the sovereignty of nations.

Consequently, you can never be sure whether any of these individuals and groups are on the Left or Right until you understand their specific views and policies as measured against the understood and correct principles of each polarity.

‘Red’ or ‘Blue,’ whether that wave is truly moving in the Right direction is a question that can only be resolved when the wave reaches the shore of national governance.

When the Left constantly berates anything Right as being ‘far,’ ‘extreme,’ or whatever, the objective is to destroy the very concept of being Right. To the extent that they can get enough people to believe that being Just Right is simply not possible, the Left will continue to win the information war even in the midst of a ‘Red wave.’

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864 – The Right WING—flying in every direction

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Jun 122024

The belief that Left and Right have become useless labels has been utterly destructive to those on the Right.

Expressing a recognition that conservatives and liberals have become a ‘uni-party,’ many on the Right have falsely operated on the assumption that, for example, Republicans represent the Right and Democrats represent the Left. The sad fact is that, just as ‘Republicans in name only’ (RINOs) are not Republicans, so too many on the right ‘wing’ are ‘Right in name only.’ Or in other words, their ideologies are Left.

How did this misconception of Left and Right arise?

That Republicans and Democrats sit in ‘opposition’ to each other leads most to believe that the split between them is ideological – Left versus Right. But the real ‘split’ is about power, not about ideology. (This principle also applies to parliamentary governments, where there is an ‘official opposition’ yet with little or no ideological difference to the ruling party.) Continue reading »

Jun 052024

As our guest earlier this year on February 21, Ches Crosbie stressed that “the (censorship industrial complex) must be eliminated before the truth about ‘vaccine’ injuries reaches enough people and a proper reconciliation can be pursued.” He was then speaking on behalf of Canada’s National Citizens Inquiry and it is now becoming apparent that his was no mere ‘armchair’ observation.

Ches joins us again today to update us on some potentially significant developments, one concerning efforts to pursue a proper reconciliation regarding vaccine injuries and the necessity of compensation for the victims, and the other on countering the censorship complex with new voices of opposition.

“That we are subject to pandemics at all is ‘the’ greatest lie,” asserts the former leader of the official opposition in Newfoundland. While calling for the Canadian government to consider a ‘no fault’ compensation program for victims of vaccine injuries, he additionally asserts that it is more important to have criminal proceedings undertaken against those responsible for the damage. In assessing public support for such action he notes that the public’s “pendulum is swinging and it’s swinging with a lot of force.”

On the free speech front, Ches has announced that beginning on July 1, a new two hour national daily talk show hosted by Randy Taylor will begin on its mission of talking about “true things.” Introduced during a time when the Canadian and US governments have launched all-out attacks against media outlets that offer facts and truth to their audiences, it may prove to be a rather risky and adventurous undertaking.

But when it comes to talking about “true things,” we welcome the prospect of sharing the honor of being Just Right with as many voices as possible.

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Jun 042024

“One death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.” ~ Stalin

The callousness of Stalin’s treatment of his countrymen is infamous. One might assume that such disdain for human life would be an isolated historical incident. However, enduring the events of recent years, we have witnessed a level of carnage rivaling the scale of the Soviet Union’s purges and pogroms.

The data on all-cause mortality now available reveals that there was no COVID-19 pandemic. It was, in fact, a complete fabrication. Instead of the feared “curve” or upsurge in hospital admissions overwhelming the “system,” we saw doctors and nurses gleefully performing choreographed dance routines in the empty corridors and wards of vacant hospitals.

Just as the data surrounding the COVID-19 deaths was suspect, so too are the statistics concerning just how many people died or were severely crippled and otherwise injured from the injection of an experimental mRNA into their system to create a toxic spike protein.

By the Canadian government’s own admission, these are the results of vaccine injuries (excluding Quebec which has its own reporting and compensation system):
Total adverse events: 58,712 (as of Jan 5, 2024)
Non-serious: 47,010
Serious: 11,702
Deaths: 488 (although they claim only 4 were causally related to the COVID-19 injections)

Each injury represents a tragedy. The tens of thousands injured? Well, that’s just a statistic.

With the pall of fear hanging over the heads of healthcare professional who dare to question the doctrine of their guilds these statistics should be considered to be a pale reflection of the actual carnage inflicted on us by those responsible.

In November of 2023 the National Citizens Inquiry (NCI) released its report on the overreach by governments in response to “the pandemic that never was.” It’s conclusions are damning, and its documentation and archiving of some of the stories of Canadians adversely affected by the “pandemic” are monumental.

Ches Crosbie, a Newfoundland lawyer and former Leader of that province’s official opposition (2018-2021), played a key role in administrating the NCI. His experience makes him uniquely qualified, indeed an expert, in understanding how COVID-19 and the government’s response to it injured and even killed Canadians.

In his concluding words in this discussion with Just Right Media’s Robert Vaughan, Crosbie states:
“The reality is, I’m convinced, that modern societies, our society, is not susceptible to pandemics. That’s the one lie that underlies all the other lies. That we are subject to pandemics at all is the greatest lie and anyone who advances a platform—news, advice, recommends vaccines—they need to go into the category of extreme suspicion because they’re trying to sell you something based on fear and a fear which is wholly unjustified. Watch out for the purveyors of fear. They are probably lying.”

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862 – SOCIALISNT—The ugly truth about socialism

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May 292024

Socialism is promoted by most of its supporters as a compassionate ‘redistribution’ of wealth, when in fact socialism isn’t compassionate at all. The truly remarkable thing about socialism is that it has a 100% failure rate when it comes to improving the lives of those living under socialism. Yet its popularity persists.

That’s because socialism is a pyramid scheme that appears to benefit the first generation of people who adopt it – at the cost of future generations who receive no benefits but must pay all the costs. Ours is that future generation.

For example, the photo accompanying this post illustrates just one instance of how socialism looks in London Ontario in 2024. Drug addicted and homeless people clutter the streets everywhere. Scenes like this were unthinkable only a few years ago.

The Canadian Press recently reported on the results of a poll in which one third of Canadians approve of Medical Assistance In Dying (MAID) for homeless people. That so many people would approve of killing the homeless is tragic evidence of how deeply the Left’s death cult has taken root. And as we have been learning, MAID is far from being a guarantee of painless death: As observed by Kelsi Sheren in her conversation with Jordan Peterson: “MAID is a terrifying way to die.”

Similarly, socialism is a terrifying way for societies and cultures to die. As an ideological variant of the Left, the ugly truth about socialism is that it is simply another death cult. History has repeatedly demonstrated this and still, in light of this knowledge and experience, millions around the world continue to proudly call themselves socialists.

The antidote to socialism is capitalism, but most fear to acknowledge this because capitalism is Just Right.

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May 222024

In a speech delivered before the Institute Of Public Affairs in Australia, writer and podcaster Brendan O’Neill suggested that ‘lockdown amnesia’ is a consequence of the shame people experienced during the Covid lockdowns.

Based on his observations that many people have completely forgotten some of the most outrageous violations of individual rights and freedoms perpetrated by governments during the Covid lockdowns – including the lockdowns themselves – O’Neill contends that “the state is complicit in cultivating this culture of forgetting.”

His view is reminiscent of Ches Crosbie‘s (of Canada’s National Citizens Inquiry) call to end the “censorship industrial complex” that he identified as also being complicit in cultivating a culture of fear and ignorance. “It must be eliminated before the truth reaches enough people and a proper reconciliation can be pursued.”

The censorship industrial complex is indeed ‘complex’ and can be said to include the ‘amnesia industry’ and the intentional manipulation of memory.

But one must wonder how much of the impetus ‘to forget’ is actually driven by shame or how much is driven by the fear of being held accountable. Either way, it appears that a great reckoning is on the horizon.

As more and more of the destructive and negative consequences of everything to do with the lockdowns become impossible to ignore and avoid, attempting to erase the causal history behind all of the destruction appears to be a viable backup strategy to keep a significant part of the public in the dark.

“It is an abomination to forget what happened,” warns O’Neill, “It is essential to remember to protect ourselves from the possibility it will happen again in the future.”

Perhaps the most chilling aspect of the entire ‘culture of forgetting’ is the number of people who have forgotten what is Just Right, and in so doing, have just Left themselves to be manipulated by those who would destroy them.

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860 – Death traps—from euthanasia to environmentalism

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May 152024

Question: What does Canada’s MAID (Medical Assistance In Dying) program have in common with environmentalism? Answer: They are both prescriptions for death and depopulation.

Canada is sadly among a growing number of nations intentionally murdering their own citizens. Strong words? Hard to believe?

Says Britain’s Dr. Vernon Coleman: “This is the most evil cold blooded massacre since Genghis Kahn made genocide fashionable. Forget the self-serving myth that euthanasia is painless and dignified.

And on the environmental front, in announcing the release of Canada’s ‘Federal Plastics Registry,’ it was described as an “important demonstration of Canada’s commitment to end pollution and build a circular economy.” Continue reading »